89 Days Until Total Darkness

Five days ago I made my second wish.

It was that Sharra would use her magical dagger on herself instead of Laeddin.

She had to obey and Laeddin and I escaped her lair.

That's the thing about the genie's magic, it's more powerful than the most powerful vampire ever and that's why Sharra wanted it.

We returned to my home in the human realm and hoped she was dead.

It didn't take long to know that hope was in vain.

My wish didn't even destroy the Akuma.

The days continued getting darker.

Akuma kept coming.

On top of that was something else.

A pestilence had fallen over all realms.

To most creatures, they appeared to be nothing more than large grasshoppers, but with my eyes - original vampire eyes - I saw the truth.

Not only were the bugs eating their way through all the world's crops, they were eating their way through all creatures as well.

When bitten, regardless of gender or species, they became Akuma.

Sharra's lackeys.