I Must Be Dreaming

He's obviously a man of many words, I thought sarcastically.

We passed another room filled with dozens of carved statutes.

All were of gargoyles in various shapes and sizes - except one. She was female and appeared to be human, aside from the large black wings on her back.

They were different than gargoyles' wings, more bird-like.

That surprised me because the statue was placed high above the others and in a prominent location.

I wanted to ask who she was, but knew the gargoyles couldn't understand me, and so held my tongue.

We'd moved on anyway, into another stairwell, which led us down further into the depths of the castle. It became obvious very quickly that those with certain colored wings held different positions. If a gargoyle had bright wings in colors like those on the castle spires, they were the aristocrats while those with duller-colored wings were the servants.