The Creators

"Yeah, great, more magic," I said. Jesse laughed, but there was no humor in it. "Why are you taking me into this horrible mess?"

"Because you said you wanted to find Laeddin. I saw him. Come on." He took my hand, leading me after him.

Together, we maneuvered through the crowd while Graves spoke with Edge. Then the green-clad man addressed the crowd. "I have I had a vision!"

The room grew quieter still until only the occasional child could be heard.

"In my vision, I watched Edge ascend the throne. He is meant to be the next high ruler of our realm."

The group began talking at once.

"Can it be?"

"The wizard cannot lie."

Graves weaved his fingers together while he spoke. "Our people will be unified once again. All hail Edge the Courageous!"

Just then I saw the genie climb the steps and take his place to the right of the throne. "Laeddin." I waved, trying to get his attention. He inclined his head, letting me know he saw me.