What I Deserve

I walked and walked for what felt like months.

Dark sky hung above without a moon or stars to guide me.

The sand beneath me sank with every step, burying my bare feet, scorching my skin regardless of the missing sunlight.

I climbed hill after sandy hill, trying to find my way out, but it was endless. I crested each summit, hope filling my breast, only to have it dashed when I reached the top and saw a dozen more hills stretched out in every direction.

And with each step came the relentless berating.

You'll never defeat her.

You won't succeed.

Give yourself over to Sharra.

Then you can't fail.

I fought against the voice inside my head.

Time passed, and I began to believe this was my only existence.

The sand and dark sky were real.

Everything else had been a dream.

I finally lay down, not caring that the sand burned.

In fact, I relished its stinging, welcomed it.

Closed my eyes, desperate to be done.

Hope no longer existed.