Full Of Love

Still more than twenty feet away, Adam, Christopher, and Joanna climbed off their horses and tethered them to some nearby trees.

Adam didn't look happy. I could guess the reason. Once again, I put his love into harm's way. It was a wonder he still had hair.

"Don't go near it," Adam said to Joanna, speaking about the dragon.

She sweetly pulled herself from his grasp. "Jasmine is near him and she's fine. The dragon seems to know her and like her." She touched Adam's worried face, caressing away the worry. "I'm going over to meet the incredible creature."

Adam opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Abernathy, who watched them as I did, chuckled. "How has meeting your grandfather been?"

"Weird," I admitted, watching the three of them. Christopher stayed back, biding his time with the horses. "Adam looks like my grandfather, but doesn't act like him."