Hot And Cold

The door clicked shut behind me and I sighed. Hot air filtered along my skin and brought with it the stench of decay. The gems on my forehead burned hotter, giving the room an eerie glow. All around me were thousands of honeycomb shaped coffins, home to supernatural prisoners required to serve out their eternal existence within.

I walked across the room, my boots striking the dirt floor with a rhythmic dull thud. Once I reached the other side, I noticed my head hurt less. For the next several minutes, I played a not very fun game of Hot and Cold, except my version was more like Pain and Less Pain.

If the final piece of the crown was buried with one of the undead, it could take me months or years to find it. An overwhelming sense of foreboding filled my chest as I thought about Sharra and Arthur and -

"Arthur." I searched the cavern for his crypt. "Is it possible?" My voice echoed around the room, but I didn't pay it any attention.