One Year Later

"Are you ready?" I asked. We were standing outside on my balcony. I took Troy's hand as my wings fluttered behind me. My engagement ring sparkled in the midday light and I couldn't help but admire it. Troy had asked Jesse and the gargoyles to create the ring for me. A thick platinum band with vines filigreed on either side leading to the center where sat a delicate jasmine flower made of diamonds and blue topaz.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Troy was teasing me, pretending to be nervous about me flying him around Sharra.

"There's only one way to find out," I said, and leaped into the air.

Troy whooped out a holler as he clung to my hands, his body dangling below.

"Don't drop him, Jasmine. It isn't every day you find someone crazy enough to fall for you," Abrea said beside me, her pixilette wings fluttering gracefully.

"True." I laughed and the action felt really good.

"Jasmine? We need to leave for the wedding," my mom called from back in my room.