WebNovelPlus One84.91%

Chapter 45



I didn't get to the room until late last night and Rae was already asleep. I thought about what I wanted to say to her the whole time I was helping my mom and sister with setting chairs and tables. Then they got into an argument about placement. I just sat back and drank a beer until they figured it out.

I was going to tell Rae yesterday I wanted the next step in whatever the hell we were doing. At least I think I was until Uncle Henry came knocking on the damn door.

Maybe I should tell her this morning?

"Is this okay?" Rae asks, twirling in a light white sundress.

"Babe, it's just breakfast," I remind her. I don't know why she's so freaked out having breakfast with everyone. Nobody is even going to pay attention to us.

"I know it is, but I want to look nice," she mutters, slipping on some brown wedges.

I stand up and walk over to her. Grabbing her by the waist I twirl the lock of hair that escaped her messy ponytail.