Description and Characters

-❕this story is going to contain some graphic content❕-

-I honestly do not know the majority of Native American customs, this is all fictitious for readers' enjoyment purposes. If I offend anyone please message me or comment, and I will change, and or delete those parts. I myself am not Native American. So please I do not mean to offend anyone or their culture. Names of character and tribe names are used from looking them up, but all characters and their behaviors are made up. Please do not hate on me, just let me know if I have written something that is offensive in any way. Or just give me pointers on how to fix these mistakes! Thank you so much and enjoy!-

This is a time of innovation and discovery. Where the human race is beginning to find new regions of the world to explore, for the human race to grow steadily and help all transcend into a better way of life. A few years ago a new species had been discovered. During further discovery of the whereabouts of these natives; certain scientists, analysts, and some select few military men and women had been selected to go about and study and contain these peculiar natives. They want to study them, try to understand them, however, some of these selected may not be doing the jobs the way they were supposed to.

Sam is a 23-year-old human biologist with a chance of a lifetime. He is very hardworking and focused, but very closed off and quite blunt. He was chosen to go on a secluded functioned trip to a place in the forest/ mountains that of which the world had not a clue of yet. He along with three other scientists and some military were selected based on their skills, quick thinking, and fast learning abilities.

Meanwhile Otaktay son of tribe leader Qaletaqa and his wife Cadena part of the Mingan tribe of a little under sixty-seven people. These Natives lived strong and peaceful with their families and lived in a small flatland among forestry just beneath the mountains. Otaktay and his family were not considered ordinary human beings. They were something more. When the foreign people first took over their ally a mountain lion clan, they figured out what the foreign people really wanted out of their land and themselves. They had been welcoming and respectful at first until they could no longer be as welcoming as they had been before. Otaktay would not stand for his people to be treated and studied like animals (though partly they were), for his land to be torn down and used for the wrong purposes.

What will these scientists do? How will the tribe react to these outsiders? Read to find out.

~Character List~

Name: Otaktay

-heir to be tribe leader-

-Native American/shifter-

Age: 23

Name: Cheveyo

-Achak's second lead-

-Native American/shifter-

Age: 24

Name: Sam Choi

-human biologist-


Age: 26

Name: Qaletaqa / Cadena

-Tribe Lead-

-Native American/ shifter-

Ages: 59, 54

Names: Kayleigh, Teagan, Maya

-human biologists and scientists-

-kay: Puerto Rican/human-

-teag: Scottish/human-

-may: African American /human-

Ages: 23, 25, 26


-Other characters will be introduced later, You can also picture all these characters in whatever way you wish.-