Jeff's brother Liu.

Mike-*jumps a little*Where have you been?


Mike-ok well what now then?

Lily-*annoyed.*liu stop stalking your brother.

liu-*comes out from where he was standing and looks annoyed.*

Mike-*back to being nervous now that there's a new person*.....hi.

Liu-.........i've been here the whole time.

Mike-i was wondering why it felt like i was being watched i thought i just had too much caffeine*drinks more coffee anyway.*

Liu-.........lily i think your friend needs help.

Mike-dont get addicted to coffee it's bad :I

Lily-meh.i drink coffee and vodka.

Mike-*has had his fill of socializing and goes back to being shy and hides behind lily.*

Lily-hey jeff wanna come to our campsite?


Liu-aren't you supposed to be in school?

Lily-we skipped cus of bullies.

Jeff-*looks hella pissed for a moment.*i'll talk to them.

mike-*goes back to the camp, well they talked without them noticing and readys food for jeff and liu.*

Lily-*teleports them to the camp.*:>

mike-*gives Jeff and liu some food and a soda then goes by the fire,roasts himself some marshmallows and eats.*

Lily-ima take a nap.*goes to take a nap*

mike-....ok*just got done eating a whole pack of marshmallows by himself.*

Jeff-*finishes his food and goes to "talk"to the bullies.*

Mike-so…..what type of things you like liu.

Liu-...i like reading i guess.

Mike-oh same.....what stuff do you read.

Liu-...i kinda just read whatever.

Mike-i was thinking of becoming an archives keeper or a psychologist or just joining the military but either way I read a lot too.


Ash-*appears suddenly from the woods*hey mike!!

Mike-*starting to get nervous from over socializing and start eating more marshmallows*.....hey ash.

Ash-mike guess what.


Ash-i can make exploding balloons!*it's clear that one exploded in her face since the left side is bleeding a bit.*

Mike-uuuh…..ok then*sits her down and starts treating the side of her head*i don't know how to respond to this but please be careful.