A Parade of Cat Litter

Hyeon suddenly sat up with a loud gasp.

Heaving for oxygen, the clock on the wall read half past midnight. For as long as he could remember, he woke up almost every night with sleep paralysis. Hyeon particularly tried to avoid sleeping on his back as he thought this was a trigger. It couldn't be helped when he realized his hazel eyes were wide open, body frozen to the bed, and unable to move a muscle. The worst part were the hallucinations that created fearful distress. Sometimes he'd see a shadow figure in the corner; other days it hovered above his chest.

*I can't even get a few hours of rest. Annoying.*

Hyeon brushed a hand through his ashy hair. It used to be more of a darker brown, but the last couple of insomnia-induced years and stress toned it down. At this rate, Hyeon's hair will be white before long. At least its poofy texture and length seemed to be doing it some sort of sad justice.

Sweat soaked his lower spine which caused his black shirt to be uncomfortably sticky. Strands of hair stuck to his neck and forehead, making him look like he got soaked in the rain.

Hyeon slid over the bed until his feet touched the floor. Cradling his forehead in his hands, he gave a big sigh of tired frustration.

It would be another restless night despite the jet lag. Since he had just arrived in southern New Zealand from where he grew up in Toronto, Canada, he thought he'd be able to get some quality Z's. Nope.


Hyeon peeked through his fingers to look down at his cat, Nammi. She was smaller than most cats since she was born with feline dwarfism. Her legs reminded him of a munchkin cat, but her long, black fur made her resemble a little round ball of soot. Those larger-than-life golden eyes stared up at him as she attempted to sit between his feet.

Hyeon found Nammi shivering in the below-freezing temperatures a couple of years ago in a back alley. It was a miracle she somehow survived as a stray. This little cat was a pain to transport across the world, but he could never leave her behind.

"Can I help you?" Hyeon asked, knowing he wouldn't get a real answer.

BLIP, her tongue peeked out in response.

Hyeon noticed her paws had specks of grey dust. There was a line of litter sprinkling the floor. If he were to follow that breadcrumb trail, he knew it would lead him to her litter box in the bathroom.

"Damn it, Nammi."