New Zealand Lingo


Hyeon heard a faint voice.


His eyes blinked open slowly as his senses returned. He found himself on his back with the family and a ferry employee standing over him.

"Sir, you passed out for a minute. Do you need an ambulance?"

Hyeon became aware of his surroundings and stood up with the help of the employee. "N-no, I think I'm fine. It's probably from lack of sleep."

Once the excitement was over, people returned to watching the boat align with the dock. While the exit ramp was being prepared, Hyeon wondered why he passed out. It was unusual for him despite being an insomniac. He then felt Nammi moving around in her carrier.

"Oh, sorry, Nammi. Here you go." He unzipped the carrier and plopped her back on his shoulders. Her skinny tail wrapped around his neck and she seemed curious about their new home.

Leaving the ferry, he realized he arrived earlier than the original docking time. It would be another twenty minutes before his employer was supposed to appear. To waste time, he went to the visitor's center next door. A young woman, maybe around Hyeon's age, was reading a book behind the counter. He approached her but she didn't realize he was there; her attention was too immersed in whatever story was in her hands.

Hyeon's personality seemed like an extrovert while working or together with friends, but he was actually an introvert – talking with strangers, standing out, making plans to hang out…it all made him cringe. He stood there awkwardly, wanting to hide in a hole.

The woman eventually sensed his presence and looked up from her novel. "Crap a brick! Ow, you surprised me there. You'll look a bit sus if you go around like that," she exclaimed with her hand over her heart, eyeing Nammi.

"Um, s-sorry. I don't understand." What in the world did she say? Was this New Zealand lingo?

Her eyes widened. "Oh! You're a tourist! Gidday! I'm Zoe. What brings you to Stewart Island? Where are you from? Are you American?"

This was a common misconception. Some guessed correctly because of his slight Canadian accent when he said the 'o' vowel. "Toronto, Canada. I have a working holiday visa so I'll be here for a year. By the way, do you have a map brochure? It's my first time here."

"Yes, sir!" Zoe reached under the desk, moving and knocking over things below. She gave him a pamphlet. "You came at a good time since it's aurora season. It's absolutely beautiful at night. If you like nature, the national park is great to visit. The town is small so I bet we will see each other more often. Perhaps at the restaurant or something?"

Hyeon examined the map while she rambled, oblivious to her flirting hints. Oban was the only settlement on Stewart Island. He couldn't find the company he'd be working at labeled on the map.

"Do you know where Festr Castle is?"

Zoe's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not sure. I've lived here my whole life and it's more like a legend than a real place. I can ask my manager, though."

She turned her head around and bellowed, "JACK!"

An older man came from the back office. "Zoe, please don't yell for me. I have a mare when you do that." The manager complained in that lingo again. He saw their visitor. "Gidday, mate! Name's Jack."

"I'm Hyeon. This is Nammi-"

Zoe interrupted, "Hyeon? Is that an English name?"

"It's not." Here comes the onslaught of questions about his name again. "My records say my grandparents are South Korean. My birth mom was probably inspired by-"

"Birth mom?" Zoe insisted. "Don't you mean 'your mom?'"

Jack stopped her. "Ow, I think it's time you go on your break."

Zoe shrugged and handed Hyeon her business card with a wink. She left the room.

"Sorry about that. So where are you trying to go?"

"I asked Zoe about the name of my employer but she didn't know the location."

"Huh, the place you need must be in the middle of nowhere in the wops. Who are you trying to see?" Jack asked with a smile.

"I'm supposed to start work at Festr Castle."

Jack's smile disappeared. "Listen, I don't know your business with that place and I'm not one to get involved but…you should reconsider. I can't stop you. Still, don't discuss this with the town folks. There's a lot of uncertainty when that name is mentioned. Say you work at the Rakiura National Park. Good luck, son." He turned away to go back into his office.

Hyeon was kinda shocked. "Wait! What's wrong with Festr Castle?"

Jack stopped and said quietly, "I've seen employees from that place come and go in the past. Some I see again but most I don't. It's a cursed area. There have been sightings of a river monster from people who have tried to find it. I can't guarantee you'll come back."