The Giant Wolf

Sani pushed the door open and stepped into the obscure room. Hyeon saw him do a deep bow and exchanged quiet words with the person inside. He couldn't hear what they were saying. Sani motioned for him to join them. Nervously scuffling his feet on the floor, he entered the darkened chambers. The curtains covered the windows, so no natural light came through. The only source of illumination originated from the dim candle-lit torches on the wall.

He noticed a massive dog silhouette laying down in front of the desk nearby. The figure's height could easily graze the ceiling if it stood up. Besides its obvious beastly form, the only feature on their face that could be detectable in this darkness was the murderous glow of their golden eyes.

*What in the Ghost Hunters shit is thi-*

It lunged at him quicker than he could finish his thought. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the fangs to rip into his body. Instead, he felt a hand wrap around his throat and a pair of lips pushing desperately against his. Surprised by the sudden invasion, Hyeon tried to speak up in objection but the attempt to talk only provided access for this intruder's tongue to slip in. Hyeon's body reacted unexpectedly as he grew frail from the tongue kissing.

*Why am I so weak? Wha-*

After what seemed like an eternity, the personal invader let go and released Hyeon. His knees couldn't support his weight and fell to the floor. Hyeon's mind tried to wrap around what just happened while wiping off the spit sliding down his face. He then sensed something he absolutely shouldn't be feeling right now in his crotch area.

*Fucking hell...*

During the onslaught, his dick became hard and was now throbbing against his pants.

"Tsk. I requested a GENTLE greeting, My Lord," Sani said in a quiet, sympathetic voice.

Angrily, Hyeon looked up to confront his attacker. Since his eyes became adjusted to the dim light, it was much easier to see. It shocked him to see a person looking down at him rather than an animal. Heavy charcoal smoke slid off of their body and drifted into the air. Hyeon recollected how Blue and Sani had smoke around them when shifting, so he assumed this guy just transformed as well.

Hyeon didn't exactly have a type, but this guy's looks would make anyone stop dead in their tracks and beg him to join their modeling company. A rare amber color replaced the malicious yellow glow in his eyes from before. Midnight black hair rested mid-neckline and his bangs pooled over his forehead and ears. The man's height shrunk to be more normal, but was still taller than Hyeon. His chest and shoulder contour hinted he was strong. The only evidence of him being a demon was his canine ears and long nails.

"Þú færð hœttr einn þessi tími, Koyote," he deeply growled. (You brought a dangerous one this time, Coyote.)

Sani replied, "Er hann? Ek hugsumk hann munu munu góð fyrir þú." (Is he? I thought he would be good for you.)

"Ek knáttfeelr hann er hann entereð hí. Ek hugsumk þat var mjrök sterkr óvinr ok ek hafði til sjá ek sjálfr." (I could feel him when he entered here. I thought he was a powerful enemy and I had to see myself.)

This attacker said all of that without breaking eye contact with Hyeon. He's never heard this language before, but the energy was enough to know that it wasn't friendly.

His dick finally subsided after that unwelcomed embrace. Hyeon knew since he was young that he preferred to feel a physical connection before being with someone in such a way. So much so that he hasn't found that connection yet with the same gender, but somehow, he got hard for this pervert. His cheeks and ears were still flushed.

Sani helped him get on his feet. "Hyeon," he said carefully, "This is the Master of Festr Castle. I'm not sure you're familiar with the Norse gods?"

Stumped, Hyeon stuttered, "I-I-I-."

*Damn, get a grip. *

"I know the main ones, I guess," he said slowly.

"You'll be serving Odin's grandson, Thor's nephew, and Loki's son. He has been imprisoned here since long ago. Please meet Fenrir, the giant wolf of Old Norse royalty."