Incoming Storm

The surrounding sounds fell on deaf ears when Hyeon remembered what happened last time.


There was a flash of intense light from outside that illuminated the walls. While the thundering was at a far distance the previous day, a new storm was churning overhead the castle. The unexpected, earsplitting thunder made Hyeon jolt a little. As he glimpsed through the ceiling-length windows, the looming clouds were threatening to release a torrential downpour. Although the air's appearance was still hazy which made it difficult to see beyond the property, there was no way this type of stormy blanket would end soon.

"Haruma, is this how the weather is often?" he asked. Another series of dryer-tumbling booms reverberated above.

"Yes," Haruma simply replied. Seriously, how anyone could make conversation with these one-worded answers was a mystery.

Hyeon tried confirming again, "As in, this type of storm occurs every day?"

"It depends on the Master's mood."

"And, uh, is he in a bad one this morning?"

Haruma glanced at the electric onslaught outdoors. "He seems particularly more irked today..."

*Perfect timing presenting myself to a wolf god.*

"Because you were late," Haruma finished.

*Perfect timing presenting myself to a RABID wolf god.*

All too quickly, the familiar doors with swirling, Nordic patterns appeared in front of them. Like Sani, Haruma knocked twice. That must be the standard when requesting to enter. Last time, it took a few seconds for the beast inside to answer. They waited 20 seconds before Haruma tapped again.

The trainer announced, "Master, we've arrived slightly delayed."

Again, no reply.

Haruma's posture shifted with uncertainty. It was about two full minutes from when he knocked the first time. Because of the alarmed intensity in the fox guide's eyes, Hyeon guessed this wasn't normal.

"My Lord," he spoke more loudly. His voice echoed through the hall.

"Lord Fenrir!"

Even if the wolf somehow didn't hear the door pounding and the previous calls, he definitely should've heard this one. It was still quiet inside.

Immediately, Haruma commanded, "Stay."

Without verbal permission to come in, the white fox pushed himself inside and vanished into the room's darkness. No lights were emitting from the inside; even the wall torches were inactive. Hyeon tilted his head forward to hear if anything was occurring, but it was just silence.

Like a horror movie, a hand suddenly reached out from the blackness and grabbed his arm to pull him in. A small yelp escaped from Hyeon until he saw the outline of Haruma hauling him forward.

"Master needs your soul energy. Now."

Puzzled, Hyeon started to say, "How?"

The only brightness in the room came from the hallway since the door remained ajar, but it thankfully allowed Hyeon to see objects faintly. That's when he saw the beautiful assaulter on the floor, stomach side facing up. His skin seemed paler than before and eyes remained closed as they approached.

Why was he like that?

Haruma urged him to stand next to the lifeless person. He nodded in urgency for Hyeon to do...something.

"I-I don't know what to do for him," Hyeon said a little panicky.

"Just touch him."

According to Sani, mouth-to-mouth energy transfer wasn't even necessary.

As Hyeon bent down, he pondered, So will touching his arm be sufficient?

Since Master Fenrir was wearing fitting black pants and a loose, long-sleeved Victorian-styled shirt, there weren't too many exposed skin options.

*His face or his hands? I think the choice is obvious.*

He lifted his pointer finger and poked the Master's hand warily. The action caused a little magnetic zap which was similar to touching metal after running over carpet floor. Hyeon could feel a slight lapse in his strength that made him temporarily tired.

At the twinge, the Lord of Festr Castle returned from the land of the dead by widely opening his golden eyes. His black ears and tail disappeared in smoke at the same time. The ashen color from his face returned to normal.

The bigger man roughly clutched Hyeon's arm and dived forward. Within a surprising second, the wolf successfully pounced and went for the kill. Hyeon found himself laying on his back with Master Fenrir holding his arms above his head. Lowering his upper body closer to Hyeon's chest, they were practically touching. The places that were being rubbed caused Hyeon to gasp. With Master's face being inches from his, their breaths mingled together. The person above him looked starved in a murderous way. If their lips get any closer...

"Hverr eru þú?" (Who are you?), he growled.

"Eru þú hí til binð mik, sem vel?" (Are you here to bind me as well?)

Haruma was still in the room and tried to interject. "My Lord..."

Hyeon could only stare into that bloodthirsty gaze. What was he saying?

"I don't understand," Hyeon stated softly with some tears threatening to break free from his eyes.

Master Fenrir looked down at the prisoner beneath him with spite. Did he believe Hyeon was a threat? A secret spy? And why does he think so?

The wolf bared his large canine teeth.

"You will," he declared in Hyeon's native tongue.