
The work was becoming easier. Haruma rarely came by anymore to check on his progress. Although hesitant at first, Hyeon has practiced bo-staff a few times with Shika. His body smoothly transitioned into the movements again while trying to gain his flexibility by stretching when he couldn't sleep. He still held back his full potential, which Shika has probably noticed, but he needed some time.

Hyeon has a date set to go for evening walks with Haruma. Not as coworkers, but hopefully as friends. Above all, Fenrir hasn't summoned him since THAT time. His situation was becoming more positive while enduring the animal afterlife.

Until today, that is.

Hyeon had just returned Fenrir's dirty lunch dishes. His relationship with the kitchen staff was a little iffy since they're the merpeople from the previous lake incident, but he hopes to eventually be acquaintances. Per usual, it was now the start of his 4-hour long break to do what he wants until 5:30.

*I guess I could try napping. That sleep paralysis episode was rougher than usual last night. I got what, three hours of sleep total?*

Exiting the kitchen area, Hyeon yawned sleepily, convinced that he felt lucky enough that a nap would actually happen. Since he was looking forward to the possibility of sleep, he wasn't aware of who he was passing by.

Feeling an upcoming yawn again, Hyeon closed his eyes momentarily while covering his open mouth with his hand.

In a blur, something touched his shin to trip him, making his knee give out. Hyeon began to fall to the floor with a small gasp. Because of bo-staff practice, his arm shot out from muscle memory before his ribs could make contact with the ground. His hand helped propel him into a forward body roll. Hyeon unintentionally overshot and landed awkwardly on his feet. Gravity won this round and he slipped hard on his ass.

Sitting up and blinking in surprise, the bottom of a shoe ruthlessly rammed against his chest. At the forceful blow, his back made contact with the ground. Hyeon grasped at the assaulter's ankle, attempting to throw them off. They didn't budge and pressed harder between his pectorals.

"Oi, you are much more attractive down there, don't you think?" they taunted.

Hyeon finally realized it was Eli who held him down. Imoogi and another crony he saw before, the unknown scorpion girl, were sneering while observing him. Like their first uncomfortable meeting, Imoogi rolled up his sleeves above his forearms to forebody what was to come. The tail of his tribal dragon tattoo peeked out, which was the only way to recognize what he could shift into.

"Va chier," (Piss off.) Hyeon murmured in French-Canadian while still struggling to shove Eli's foot off. Oddly enough, he felt more threatened by the goat and scorpion spirits than Imoogi. Considering he's a Korean dragon, shouldn't Hyeon feel more scared by him the most? It was like dealing with an irritating person than a legendary beast.

Striking like an attacking snake, the dragon's hand tightly gripped around his chin. Imoogi's fingers squished Hyeon's cheeks, causing him to have pursed lips.

Imoogi knelt down, not letting go of his face.

"It looks like someone got cockier. Did you lose your little s-stutter now that you've made some influential friends?" Imoogi ridiculed. He couldn't reply with a squeezed face.

"This will be fast and possibly painless since we have other things to do. We've noticed you recently being all chummy with certain spirits. You do know who I'm talking about, right?"

Hyeon thought about Haruma and Shika.

"I'll take that as a yes." Imoogi released Hyeon. He could feel his cheeks turn pink as blood returned.

The dragon then fixed Hyeon's uniform collar. While tripping, some of the perfectly ironed folds became loose and crinkled.

When straightening his tie next, Imoogi coolly explained, "There's a very particular hierarchy we follow. The weak follow the strong, hoping the strong will protect them. It's only natural for an inferior human such as yourself to do the same. But you..."

Imoogi pushed the tie's knot too close to Hyeon's throat, practically choking him. "You're getting a tad too close. Can you imagine if the most dominant servant here, aka a fox, actually liked you? The pecking order would change. Special treatment would make others jealous and challenge each other. If you know what's good for your safety, stop flaunting your cute little ass."

"If not, I'd just hate for my new halfling friend to end up in the basement. Do we understand each other?"

Every word he said pissed off Hyeon further and further. The weak/strong hierarchy was not the reason he wanted to practice with Shika and peacefully enjoy Haruma's shy presence. Was truly wanting a companion considered a crime?

Not wanting to start any forbidden fights, Hyeon nodded. Imoogi lightly patted Hyeon's cheek twice. The gesture made small clapping sounds.

"That's a good boy. Let's not forget who you're dealing with in the future." With a fake smile, he flexed his arm with the serpent tattoo. This asshole was really keen on wanting others to pay attention to it.

*Probably got a big tat to compensate for having a tiny—*

A twinge of heat emitted from Hyeon's insignia.

His heart beat faster, panicking that this was happening again. Right now. In this perfectly timed moment.

It was one thing to become like this near Shika, whom he's more trusting than others. But for it to occur in front of these tormentors was a whole different ballgame. They were the last spirits that should know about his summoning symptoms. Couldn't Fenrir have waited just another minute?!

The inner flames that signaled he was in heat traveled up his arm and expanded throughout his body. It consumed everything from his skin to his bones. Hyeon would've collapsed for sure had he been standing. His servant mark wanted him to go to Master.

The three goons were staring at him in a mixture of shock and arousal. Their animal instincts were reacting to the aroma.

Bewildered, Eli's foot unintentionally released pressure off of Hyeon's chest.

*Now or never. I don't want to start begging to be satisfied. Not from them.*

Using the last of his rational judgment, he took advantage of the lack of weight on his rib cage. Trying again, Hyeon wrapped his shivering hands around the inattentive goat's ankle. He thrusted Eli's leg to the side.

Not waiting around to watch Eli topple to the floor with a heavy thud, he hoisted himself from the floor. He ran clumsily to the other end of the hallway. Hyeon glanced behind him before disappearing into the maze of castle corridors. The scorpion girl was helping Eli while Imoogi remained in the same squatted position where Hyeon just was. Their eyes met, but the ringleader's glowered expression said, *I know your secret.*

He trekked to his Master.

Hyeon was angry that the insignia was activated now. Angry at having mysterious animal blood. Angry with his streak of unfortunate events. Furious at a wolf deity that he won't forgive.