What Am I?

After Sani closed the door, they were both trapped together.

The rain hammered on the metal roof and it was windy enough to slightly shake the car. Fenrir's clothes were soaked and formed mini puddles around him.

Fenrir sat on one side of the tight enclosure. The closeness made a crazed Hyeon lean as far away as possible. Possessed by his animal spirit, he scratched at the bulletproof windows and gave off a wide range of distressed growls.

The wolf didn't do a thing to comfort the other. All he did was watch the spontaneous monsoon outside and didn't mind staring into nothingness.

Over the next 15 minutes, the wild sounds Hyeon made eventually died down. His glare locked onto Fenrir and rarely looked away.

Those minutes ticked by into 30...45...then an hour. The sun wasn't visible behind the rolling clouds, but the dwindling light signified that it would be night soon.

Fenrir stopped gazing at the torrential downpour and directed his attention to Hyeon. "Gerði koatinn gerþúr heitr?" (Did the coat keep you warm?)

At the sudden conversation, Hyeon tensed in a defensive posture.

"Þú gereigir minð ef ek mælinnr minn tunga, gerþúr?" (You don't mind if I talk in my native language, do you?)

They stared at each other. He continued, "Ek eigmuniðr hí fyrir langrr tími. Ek var left aptr, með ek sjálfr fyrir kenturies, ok kheateð með kountless fleiri fólk. En mit þér. Ek'm eigi munu hvat til germitr þér. Eptir þú komumk, ek em eigi ek sjálfr. Minn kollr er louð allr dagr ok allr nátt. Svá tell mik, skulu ek réttr fá rið ór þú?" (I've been here for a long time. I was left behind, by myself for centuries, and cheated by countless others. But with you...I'm not sure what to do with you. After you came, I am not myself. My head is loud all day and all night. So tell me, should I just get rid of you?)

Fenrir wasn't expecting an answer. He sighed and returned his attention to the rainfall. "Þat's eigi lítþúr megóderstanðr mik." (It's not like you can understand me.)

But surprisingly, Hyeon responded in Norse, "Gjalda." (Suffering.)

Fenrir whipped his head around in astonishment. The human Hyeon wouldn't know Old Norse; it was a dead language in the living world. "What did you just say?" he asked quietly.

"That's what awaits you," Hyeon said while providing this premonition. The animal was now more reasonable. "I am here to fix the corruption in this realm and the others. Besides, it is not me whom you should worry about within your little castle."

The solemn warning made Fenrir on edge. "Then who should I be wary of?"

"You tell me. This mortal body has always been plagued with another entity. It's constantly with him when he sleeps; always watching through his frozen, sleeping body and night terrors. But it needs something. From you. It wants—"

He couldn't resume whatever important information was going to be said. Hyeon placed his hands on his ears as if hearing something painfully loud. The inhuman groans returned. The sensible side of the mystery creature was fading.

"What exactly are you?" Fenrir demanded.

"You...," the thing speaking through Hyeon gasped, "don't remember?"

Fenrir seized onto his wrist restraints and yanked harshly towards him. He cradled Hyeon's squirming body.

"Tell me!" the wolf bellowed, but it was too late to ask questions as Hyeon became a spitfire.

When he attempted to bite his way out of Fenrir's embrace, tiny wisps of smoke started to flow out from between his shoulder blades. He relapsed into an untamed state.

For the first time in a long, long while, the Norse god was dumbstruck. It didn't help that his wolf was unhelpfully quiet. Without knowing exactly what to do next, he firmly held the half-human's bounded wrists outward to not get burned from the erupting hand sparks. His other hand raked through Hyeon's color-speckled hair to get a good grip on his head.

To stop the erratic powers, he summoned the servant's insignia, knowing that Hyeon becomes like a vulnerable female canine in heat.

The hybrid he held against his chest jolted. Smoke fumes and sparks evaporated. A honey aroma filled the car which couldn't escape the confined space. Hyeon's eyes sparkled with desire while clenching his knees together. His lips parted and became moistened with saliva.

Although Fenrir's tongue wanted to dive unrestrained into Hyeon's quivering moans, now wasn't the time.

As soon as the lewd heat was activated, the boy was back to normal. The striking purple-blue irises dissolved into a hazel brown and the colored hair tips disappeared.

"P-please stop, Master," Hyeon cried. A few tears trickled down his cheeks.

Fenrir complied and shut off the summoning.

Hyeon's body was deadweight from the day's tiring events. He hid his crying face into Fenrir's damp shirt. "I'm so tired," he sniffled.

"I know," his boss replied.

"It was scary." More tears.

"Your powers?"

Hyeon nodded. "I think I died, but something pulled me back. Instead of waking up, I wasn't in control of my body. I could see everything my eyes were seeing, but it was like watching my actions through a TV screen. No matter how much I fought, I couldn't free myself."

Fenrir understood all too well. When he was weak, his wolf can switch places with his consciousness. "A few family clans have stronger-than-average animal blood which can take over during vulnerable moments. It seems you have the rare burden to make sure that doesn't happen. Could you see what animal possessed you?"

"No, I didn't see, but it was really hot," he hiccupped. "What am I? Can you help me if I lose myself?"

But the dark-haired deity didn't answer. All he could do was hold his upset servant. Soon, Hyeon slipped into a slumber.

As the storm withered to reveal a blackened sky and blood-red moon, Fenrir whispered the same thing from earlier.

"Svá tell mik, hvat skulu ek germitr þér?" (So tell me, what should I do with you?)