Here Comes Santa Claws

Hyeon was in the homestretch to the castle's kitchen. The fragrance of baked rosemary chicken saturated nearby halls; it made his mouth salivate. The spirits here didn't require eating, but human food was used to teach customary manners. He silently thanked whoever thought of starting the cooking program.

*Just one more corner aaannnddd...*

"Mr. Falken?" someone questioned from behind.


He turned around quickly. With a too-big-smile and thicker Canadian accent, Hyeon said, "S-Sani! How are you doing? The weather has been decent the last few days, eh?"

Much to his horror, Haruma was also with the manager. Both were looking at him with raised eyebrows. "We're well today, but shouldn't you be on bed rest?" Sani inquired.

Hyeon rubbed the back of his neck guiltily. "Yeah, but I sorta need some food. I'm completely out."

"I see. Well, for now, I can have food delivered to your apartment. I'm actually glad we caught you. We were just on our way to fetch you. Since Master Fenrir wants to see you, he didn't want to summon your insignia given your...sensitive situation."

"Uh, sure. I'll follow, you lead," Hyeon gestured for them to go first. When they left together to go see the boss, his stomach rumbled in protest as the delicious smell grew faint.

On the way, Hyeon noticed there were not too many servants. Usually, the place was hustling and bustling at this time.


Haruma held back to walk next to Hyeon. His white fox ears were erected with curiosity. "Have you seen Jólakötturinn around yet?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm not sure who that is."

"He means Nammi," Sani clarified. "I had my suspicions for quite some time, but she finally revealed her true form when we were out looking for that demon. The servants have been laying low since they found out. Haven't you ever wondered why everyone was nervous when she was present?"

Haruma agreed. "I haven't seen or heard from her in many centuries. She has been wanted dead or alive by multiple gods."

"That feline has caused countless issues for me and others," Sani complained. "You gotta admit, though, Jólakötturinn has some spunk. Remember when—"

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on!" Hyeon exclaimed. This was unbelievable. "Jóla-who? You're saying my cat is a demon?"

"More like a strong antagonistic deity than a demon. Jólakötturinn is originally from Iceland, but she's been here and there. I believe her other nickname is 'Yule Cat.' Don't let her little kitten form fool you. Jólakötturinn caused a lot of havoc in her prime in the southern lights and the living realm. It was even more problematic since she's a cat. As you recall, cats have the ability to guide souls in the afterlife, so she can navigate anywhere with ease. But, I question why a spirit like herself decided to form a bond with your soul after going missing. Master Fenrir wasn't pleased when he realized who she was," the Navajo god chuckled. "If she is killed in the future, Jólakötturinn will surely be sent to the deepest parts in Hell. While she suddenly stopped her actions ages ago, your fylgja committed terrible things."

They were almost to Fenrir's chambers. Hyeon didn't like where this conversation was heading. "And what did Nammi do?"

"On Christmas night, she'd eat children for no reason other than wearing old clothes. It was truly despicable. Then, when Jólakötturinn was in the southern lights, she would go on a rampage. Demons were nothing but buffet food."

Haruma chimed in, "She and I were mutual before I began working here, but even I wanted to avoid her."

If Hyeon wouldn't have seen Nammi change into a twenty-five-foot monster, it'd be impossible to imagine. Eating children because of their clothing?

Then again, he DID find her around the holiday time almost frozen to death some years ago...

*My soul bond is a damned murder floof.*

When the trio arrived in front of the Nordic doors, Haruma knocked twice. "My Lord, we brought what you asked for."

*What, me?*

After getting permission to come in, they entered. Surprisingly, the office wasn't its usual dim, gloomy self. The heavy curtains were pulled back to expose the thin layer of grey clouds in the cool sky.

The early winter color lighted the room. Dust bunnies that weren't visible in the normal darkness coated difficult-to-reach areas.

"Hooo," Sani cooed. "It's been a while since this space was less depressing. Why the change?"

Fenrir, sitting behind his desk, shut an ancient, leather book he was reading. Before putting the novel back on the shelf, Hyeon caught a glimpse of its title, Legendary Bestiary: An Illustrated Guide to Fabled Creatures. "It's easier to see who is coming and going. Someone has to make sure certain deities and dýrs don't go on more trips together outside the grounds," referring to the recent, demon catching fiasco.

Sani released a cough mixed with an awkward laugh. "I do admit, that one's on me. Speaking of what happened, I think it's now inevitable to help Hyeon with his—"

"That's confidential between me and him," Fenrir interrupted him mid-sentence. "If you don't mind, get out," he commanded. It wasn't spoken with anger, unlike previous times.

*Help me with what?*

The two canines did a staredown. It became tense. Both wanted to be the dominant one in this argument.

Hyeon could tell Sani was irate at the abrupt order. His manager turned around and headed out of the office door quietly without any formal goodbyes. Haruma, a little flustered, bowed to Fenrir before following Sani.

That left Hyeon and Fenrir alone.

He didn't know why he was asked to come here, but it was kinda uncomfortable. They haven't exchanged any words since their intense session in the Jeep. "Is-is there anything I can help with, Master?"

"I think you know why you're here," the wolf said huskily with glowing yellow eyes.

He gulped, knowing exactly what Fenrir referred to.

His soul energy.


A small group of four animal spirits stood outside of the half-human's apartment.

"Is Jólakötturinn really not here?" a servant asked the others.

"No, she's gone. I overhead it from Coyote," another one confirmed.

"Perfect," a third member said, smiling sinisterly. "We were told to get the message across. Let's make this quick."

Their job was made easy since the tenant failed to secure the lock. After everyone was inside, they shut the door behind them.