Destruction of Property

*How am I supposed to think of a name within a few hours?*

Hyeon and Nammi were walking back to his apartment. He rubbed his forehead to get rid of the impending headache with his good hand. The broken one was mending itself but still ached.

It was too bad his day was about to get worse.

When reaching the housing quarters, a group of servants stood in front of his door. They were whispering things to each other.

"Who do you think did it?"

"I don't know, but I'm not surprised. Some of us don't like him much."

As Hyeon got closer, he saw the door was wide open. The spirits were peering inside.

*God, I'm literally not in the mood for this. Didn't I lock that earlier?*

When they saw him approaching, the crowd backed off so he could enter his place. What he saw made his heart drop to his stomach.

Hyeon's private studio was trashed from top to bottom. They smashed everything from the light fixtures to the decor. The TV was kicked in at one point and electric sparks shot out from the hole. His furniture looked like Freddy Krueger or Wolverine came in and ripped apart the fluff with metal claws. Whoever did this switched on the knobs in the kitchen sink and bathtub. Water overflowed and saturated the ground.

The furniture wasn't such a big deal. It actually made little sense since they would've known it was the castle's property. The whole thing was immature.

What did matter, though, were his belongings. Someone had ransacked through his closet and drawers. Clothing items were slashed into pieces and strewn across the soaked floor. To be honest, Hyeon didn't have a lot of things. Some of the more personal items were at his adoptive parent's home in Canada, but all of his clothes were here. The slashed attire couldn't be saved.

Hyeon went into the room and tried to avoid getting his feet wet. Surprisingly, he was doing a good job of keeping his cool.

One of the servants from behind said, "What does that say? Is that blood?"

Hyeon looked at the sidewall they referred to. Each page of his contract was haphazardly pinned on it. Along with the contract was the black coat that Fenrir gave to him recently.

It was tacked to the wall with a rusty nail and was heavily graffitied with a red paint substance. The goop definitely resembled blood. They spelled out the word 'whore' across the thick jacket.

It seemed the vandals had seen the contract's clause that read, "Sustain Master Fenrir's condition by providing soul energy through skin contact."


Someone already knew how far he and Fenrir reached intimately. Hyeon could count on one hand who knew of the details.

He stepped towards the coat. Getting a good grip on the nail between his fore and middle finger, Hyeon yanked it out with one strong tug. The motion ripped off a couple of layers of his skin. It bled. A few ruby drops ran down his fingers and dripped onto the floor. It wasn't that painful; just numbingly pissed off.

He picked up the painted coat that had holes from the rough handling and held it against his chest.

What do you want to do to them? a voice murmured in his head.

By now, the group standing in the hallway grew larger. More could be heard coming. One of them stepped into the apartment. It was Sani. "Whoa. Someone sure has a grudge against you, Mr. Falken. Haruma will call for Nero. You haven't formally met yet, but she'll determine who did this."

Instead of answering, he still faced the sidewall.

"Hyeon? Are you okay?"

More silence.

"Hey, it worries us when you don't respond to—"

"Can you fix it?" Hyeon interrupted. His voice wasn't the same. Sani noted the vandalized coat.

"It's not my first rodeo cleaning up that old thing, but—"

"Who?" Hyeon demanded, preventing the manager from finishing once again. He was visibly shaking. Sani thought it was from being upset.

Like a possessed human, Hyeon twisted his neck unnaturally to look at the gathering behind him. His eyes glowed, signifying that his powers were being activated. He wasn't shaking from sadness but from rage.

"Who did it?" Hyeon's voice was cold and not himself.

The abnormal stare made the servants squirm, but Sani wasn't intimidated.

"I don't know, but I'll have it figured out within the week as well as cleaning up this mess. Just calm down."

At that moment, Hyeon saw Imoogi. He marched over to confront him. The others moved out of the way.

I think it was him, the voice spoke again.

"You. You did this," he seethed.

Imoogi was clueless. "No, I didn't. As much as I wish I had done it myself, I wasn't anywhere near here today."

Hyeon's eyes glowed brighter. His body was becoming hot. "Liar."

When he started to lurch forward to attack, Sani stopped him by roughly grabbing onto his shoulder. If he was just an ordinary human, it would've left a bruise.

"He's right. I don't smell Imoogi within your apartment. Do I need to remind you to not start any fights here? Is the basement where you'd like to go? The chances of you not surviving there are high, so stand down. Now." It was harsh, but Hyeon needed a reality check. Letting the negative emotions and fears take over was extremely dangerous. Fenrir was living proof of that.

"I know he did it."

Sani sighed and impatiently snatched the bloodied coat from Hyeon's arms. "Look, I'll take this and clean it. Master Fenrir isn't feeling well right now to do the initiation today, anyway."

The Navajo deity pushed him at Haruma, who had just arrived with a female bat servant. She was the same spirit who laughed at Hyeon's messy uniform when he first arrived.

"Haruma, take this guy and play with some sticks. I don't care what you do. Since you brought Nero, she will find out who was in his room."

The fox bowed. Haruma forced Hyeon to leave the hallway. He stubbornly wanted a go at that damned dragon.

As they weaved through the castle to do...whatever, he still wasn't the same. The unusual aggressiveness must've taken everyone by surprise. It was a drastic change compared to the mercy he showed the centipede.

*I'll kill him next time.*