Face Your Fears

"Well, I still have more work to do. See you around," Kyros said and touched Hyeon's shoulder for moral support. He continued with his outdoor chores.

What was below the castle and why does everyone get so worked up about it?

Arriving at the lake, Hyeon stopped in the grassy landing next to the water. Its small waves sparkled under the grey sky as they swished back and forth. The marsh plants that resembled corn dogs gently swayed from the faint wind. There were no spirits playing in the water at this time. If it wasn't for the occasional cries of a demon on the other side of the border, it was almost like being back in Canada. Almost.

Today was oddly warm, so Hyeon took off the Viking coat and folded it. After placing it under a leafless oak tree, he looked around for Fenrir. Where was he?

Hyeon sat on the dead grass with his legs spread out. Fifteen minutes went by without seeing anyone. He huffed and stared at the clouds above. Some more time passed.

Suddenly, the hair on the back of his neck stood at attention. He felt uneasy as he glanced around him. This feeling was getting all too familiar; something was watching him. Hyeon started to get up when a heavy object landed on his back. He hit the ground hard.

"OOF!" This was the sound he made from the blunt force.

Hyeon looked up at the animal above him; its enormous paw pressed on his chest. A large, black wolf stared back with yellow eyes. It bared its sharp teeth and growled. Thick drool dripped down from its mouth and drenched his shirt. Hyeon couldn't move to defend himself. Flashbacks of the past made his muscles tense with fear. Although this wolf was significantly smaller, he couldn't help it.

Its teeth came closer to his face. Hyeon clenched his eyes shut...

...Until the weight on his chest lifted.

When he slowly squinted his eyes open, Fenrir's human form had replaced the wolf. Black smoke from shifting bodies dissipated into the cold air. Fenrir looked annoyed, but at the same time, his eyes were worried. A honey amber hue replaced the shocking yellow irises.

"If I was an enemy, you'd be dead."

Hyeon still laid there, shaking like a leaf. "M-Master, I-I didn't know what to do."

*And here I thought my stutter was finally under control...*

"I know the last few months have been difficult for you. You've faced trauma that many won't ever experience."

Hyeon sat up. "Then why are you doing this?"

"Unfortunately, you don't have enough time to heal. As much as I want to give it to you, you have to face your fears. Others are becoming suspicious of what happened with the dingo pack. You left signs and damages behind that Sani couldn't erase. Dýrs and gods alike are speculating. You need to be ready."

*'Face my fears.' How cliché. *

Fenrir asked, "I noticed you were at least aware of my presence. Did your animal tell you that danger was nearby?"

"No, I guess I just felt it."

The Norse god nodded. "It seems you have good instincts, but you should also work on communicating with your phoenix. It will notice things before you can."

"But how can I do that if it disappears most of the time?"

"How long is it gone for? A few hours?"


Fenrir looked at the grass, thinking about what Hyeon said. "All the more reason why this needs to be done. That's not ordinary."

"What needs to be done—?"

Hyeon couldn't finish his question. A blazing, yellow ball flew towards his face. Thanks to his increased agility, he dodged it at the last millisecond. The sphere flew past him. Barely. Another came, but Hyeon wasn't able to avoid it completely. The ball of light grazed his thigh. It left a scorched hole in the material.

The orbs kept coming. Hyeon was good at evading them, but he was getting tired.

"Please stop!" he yelled. When there was a lag in between the incoming balls, Hyeon finally had the chance to look at Fenrir.

The yellow ribbon that was embedded into Fenrir's skin gleamed like the sun. Hyeon could see the swirling design under his white Victorian shirt. It was Gleipnir, the chain that kept him tethered to this world forever. Not only were Fenrir's eyes glowing yellow, but the inside of his mouth glowed like a dragon about to release fire from its chest. He was holding his palm up. Black smoke spiraled from his fingertips to create the attacking balls. Since when did this become Harry Potter?!

He looked terrifying. This was not an enemy you'd want to see during battle.