Proposed Rescue Mission


They became serious. Galen, the youthful one, said, "Hyeon Falken, there are a few big-league gods and goddesses who are aware of you. Our father is one of them. They've been keeping it secret; otherwise, this could cause uneasiness between the other heavens. There are many smaller deities who didn't exist at the time when phoenixes were around, so they don't know the signs. The gods that know are preparing, especially after discovering you could be involved with Fenrir."

"Preparing for what? Why are they so against me being a phoenix?"

"War, probably," Galen casually took another sip of his coffee. "We actually don't know the entire story, either. Although we've asked father, he said it's very classified. But, he and the others have a proposition for you. That's why we're here."

This was becoming too much for Hyeon. WAR?

Galen continued before letting Hyeon speak. "That can all be avoided if you help our father. He needs you to find this which has been lost for millenniums."

A curved knife appeared on the table in front of Hyeon. It was the same one he's been dreaming about since being in the southern lights. Again, he thought how there was nothing special about it; just a normal-looking farm tool. The knife projection disappeared. "Was it you who has been trying to show me this?"

Calais nodded. Hyeon couldn't get used to seeing the old demigod. In Hollywood movies, they're usually young teens. "Yes. This is a sickle," his deep voice reverberated through the room. "It's a family heirloom that means a lot to Father. He would like it back for sentimental value. Someone stole it and it has been missing ever since. He has scoured the planets, heavens, and hells. Father ran out of places to look recently except for one: the afterlife for animal spirits. But, the gods can't enter since they don't possess any animal traits. Since our human mother was a very distant descendant of Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams, we have a weak ability to communicate in dreams. Therefore, we were chosen to contact you. If it wasn't for the fact that we can enter dreams, our father would've been ignoring us as usual. Our power isn't strong, so we've only been able to reach you at random times."

Hyeon's mind was about to explode from the amount of information.

"Also, doesn't it seem like a huge coincidence that Áłtsé Hashké is a trickster deity, acts as a middleman between the gods, and can visit Mount Olympus and the southern lights whenever he pleases? Father is so wary of him. The bastard has more privileges than most."

Áłtsé Hashké. Áłtsé Hashké. Isn't that Sani's ceremonial name? Then it clicked at what they were trying to imply. "So you suspect Sani, er, Coyote stole the sickle."

With a full mouth of food, Galen muffled, "Bingo. Not only does Father think he stole it, but hid it in the Southern Lights. We hope you'll aid us since other gods and demigods can't enter that...interesting place. You're already there, so why not?"

*A lot of effort for a knife...Is it really that sentimental?*

Out of nowhere, the floor shook like an earthquake, similar to what happened in the dream at the grocery store. The decor clanged against the walls. Ceramic plates and cups behind the bar fell off the hooks and broke.

The two demigods were annoyed. "It looks like you're waking up."

The patrons in the café screamed. Although they were manifested humans for the dream, their scared yells made Hyeon anxious. A crack began to form in the floor nearby. He gripped onto the table to steady himself from falling.

The other two calmly sipped their coffees. Galen had to yell from the loud noises. "If you help us, the gods won't kill for you being a phoenix…"

*Oh, joy!*

"And they also want to help Fenrir and the servants who work there! But, you can't discuss this with others! If Fenrir finds out, Ragnarok will—" Galen couldn't finish. Everyone fell into the black abyss.

Something was holding him. Hyeon thrashed, trying to break free from whatever held him in place.

"Stop! You're fine!"

Hyeon's eyes flew open. Fenrir hovered over him, grasping his shoulders. "Master?"

Fenrir breathed out and let go. "I'll have to be next to you when you sleep. Though I am close by, the shadow can now reach you."

The corners of Hyeon's eyelids had a few crusties. He wiped them away. "It was here? Again?"

"You fell asleep a few hours ago, but I sensed that your heart had stopped. The dark entity was clinging to your body." He gruffed in irritation, "It's infuriating that I don't know what has entered my castle."

Learning that he stopped breathing alarmed Hyeon. That hasn't happened before. *Didn't I have a dream? I only remember two demigods telling me to try to find a knife. Why can't I remember their faces clearly?*

It didn't matter since Hyeon recalled the most important detail. The mission has to be kept a secret but he woke up before knowing the reason why.

*If I choose to believe them, I can save Fenrir from this Hell?*