A Wolf's Rut


Hyeon's smell, mixed with firewood smoke and sweat, consumed Fenrir's mind. His body became unbearably hot. His breathing was ragged. A rush of energy coursed through his veins. His eyesight was blurry as his consciousness slipped in and out.

Fenrir's rut was coming early. The bedroom was too far away.

*I can't make it.*

"Uh, Master, are you alright?" There was a gentle touch on his back.

The wolf was about to break free. It clanged against its chains in his head. This wasn't the right place, so Fenrir grabbed Hyeon's wrist and roughly dragged him to the nearest doorway. The suddenness of being jerked forward made Hyeon inhale sharply.

The room was small and rarely used. Still, the servant who was responsible for this area made sure it was always clean and free of dust. There was a 'U' shaped orange couch in the center of the space. The other décor that was long forgotten included a set of plaid armrest chairs, brown and yellow striped paintings, a glass table, and other eyesore 70's pieces. Occasionally, Sani would become obsessed with certain decades and would bring in ugly pieces to decorate with. These were some of them. Fenrir swung Hyeon on the sofa.

"OOF!" Hyeon rubbed the back of his head from the impact. "Jesus, what the h—" he started to say, but stopped when he glanced up.

Fenrir was on top of him. He had Hyeon pinned between his legs and arms. He brought Hyeon's wrist to his mouth, the one with the insignia. His tongue brushed against the symbol. It was his name on this half-human's body; no one else's.

*My mate.*

The thought brought Fenrir back to reality for a second. *Did I just say 'mate?'*

He started to pull away, but the moment of weakness created a window for the wolf to take over. Fenrir loomed over the prey below.

*Minn.* (Mine.)



"Jesus, what the h—"

The wild, glowing yellow eyes staring down at him made him freeze. They were void of any emotions. It was honestly scary. He couldn't look away from the mesmerizing color. Their eyes were locked on each other as Fenrir licked his wrist. There was a second where he seemed to hesitate but quickly faded.

Heat leaked from the mark. It spread up his arm.

*Is he really…? Again?*

The hot sensation reached his hips. Immediately, his dick throbbed.

*He did!*

Fenrir unnecessarily activated the insignia. This bastard knew how Hyeon reacted to being summoned; like a female ready to mate.

"I'm right here!" Hyeon wanted to yell, but it came out as a small squeak instead.

Fenrir ripped off the tattered jacket and vest. He took Hyeon's nipple into his mouth and sucked hard.

"Huu…!" Hyeon gasped. His skin was very sensitive now. His mind became drunk from the warm ecstasy. He was startled when Fenrir's hand quickly pumped Hyeon's erect member while sucking his nipple simultaneously.

*When did he take off my pants?*

The transitions were blurry. The next thing he knew, Fenrir was making his hole wet with a mixture of saliva and pre-cum. Fingers probed inside him. He'd go back and forth from Hyeon's dick to collect the dribble of pre-cum, then he'd use it to make his bottom slippery. Thanks to the artificial heat, Hyeon produced more liquid than usual.

He arched his back. The sensation made tears flow down his cheeks, but he wiped them away angrily. Crying in this situation was too cliché.

Hyeon's arm moved on its own and punched Fenrir in the cheek. It didn't do any damage to the Norse god. He then grasped Fenrir's hair in his fist and forced their lips to touch. Their tongues intertwined. The top's fingers reached too deep inside of him. He poked a spot that sent a jolt through his glands. It felt like a combination of urinating and coming at the same time. The sensation was too much.

Again, Hyeon hit Fenrir's face next to his mouth. Fenrir smiled a little, enjoying the roughness.

The heat was excruciating, so he bit Fenrir's shoulder. The shirt was annoyingly in the way. A different kind of heat filled his hands. When he grabbed the white material, it sizzled in his palm. Hyeon burned the shirt. If only he had this much control earlier in the grand entrance hall.

Though Fenrir's skin was nicked a few times from the burning touch, he didn't notice. Hyeon bit the same spot again, making sure the small puncture holes were visible. There was a red ring of teeth marks.

Fenrir growled, pushed Hyeon's legs upward, and inserted his dick to the hilt. There was a squishing sound. While feeling the fullness, Hyeon kept biting Fenrir in different spots. Their bodies became one as the large organ slipped in and out with aggressive determination.

*Slow down…,* Hyeon tried to say. Instead, what he said was, "More."

Fenrir's eyes perked up at the word. While pounding into him, he returned the gesture by biting the top of Hyeon's ear. His fangs pierced the skin. A drop of blood oozed out. The momentary pain caused the bottom to cry out, "Ah!"

"Who do you belong to?" a voice growled next to his ear. It was deeper than Fenrir's normal voice. Much darker. This wasn't the concerned person who watched over him in bed the night prior. Hyeon had a hunch that this was the wolf talking.

The pounding sped up, demanding an answer. "Well?"

"M-Master," Hyeon moaned.

The next hour was hazy. Fenrir ejaculated multiple times into him in different positions. Hyeon's stamina was decreasing, and it didn't help that Master was gradually sucking away his soul energy. While he was getting weaker by the second, the wolf was getting stronger.

*I come back to this? Well, well,* the phoenix interrupted.

*You! Where have been-UGH!*

Fenrir pulled out without warning and turned Hyeon onto his side before entering again. Hyeon gripped the couch's arm so hard that the material ripped.

*Do you need help keeping that dog at bay? Ruts are hard to handle.*

Hyeon felt his consciousness slipping away into the abyss. His inner animal was taking over. *I don't need your h-*

Too late. He cast aside to the cold place within his mind. Thick, metal shackles formed around his ankles. In previous times of this happening, the chain was at least a few feet long. Now, it was barely the length of his arm. Its span was getting shorter.


Knowing it was useless to fight against the short chain, all he could do was watch his body's movements on the screen above.

"You can't keep doing this!" Hyeon yelled. It was scary how easily the phoenix can possess him whenever it wanted.

On the screen, Fenrir stopped in the middle and peered down into Hyeon's eyes. No doubt he sensed the switch.

The wolf and phoenix stared at each other with glowing silver and yellow eyes.

It was about to get unnaturally wild.


Work was in full swing. Servants who passed by the door would stop to listen for a moment. They were curious about the breaking glass, loud bangs, and moans on the other side. Upon realizing what was happening in there, they'd scurry away with reddened faces.

The spirit in charge of the room was groaning in despair while working nearby. It would take forever to clean up.

The room didn't go quiet until lunchtime.