(Fenrir’s POV) This is a story of a boy, who cried a river and drowned the whole world


Knock knock knock.

Fenrir ignored the guest. He wasn't in the mood since he was swamped with planning. An hour earlier, he felt Sani cross the property border with the captured demon. They should arrive any minute.


The sound was more urgent this time. Fenrir clicked his tongue and set the papers down on the desk. "Koma." (Come.)

Haruma stepped inside. He didn't bow which was a first. "My Lord, I need you come with me. Mr. Falken is…" he paused. It was quite a sight to see a usually emotionless fox with an uneasy expression.

"Mr. Falken is…what?"

"I don't know how to explain. It's best if you see it yourself. I tried to help but he wouldn't let me touch him."

"Alright." Fenrir followed Haruma until they reached a small supply closet. The door was wide open with Hyeon's soul bond standing guard. The tiny black cat was also worried.

He was on the floor, hiding his face behind his hands. Fenrir kneeled down. His fingertips grazed Hyeon's shoulder. Hyeon winced and whimpered.

*I barely touched him.*

When Hyeon's face was finally visible, Fenrir was startled to see his condition. A red liquid streamed out of his ears and the corners of his eyes. He was crying blood. Fresh crimson drops pooled around his glazed eyes.

"Hyeon?" Fenrir asked.

"I don't think he can hear you, My Lord. I called out his name many times when I found him."

This wasn't good. To distract him, Fenrir kissed him. It somehow worked when Hyeon accepted the invitation. Fenrir picked him up, but Hyeon yelped loudly. It sounded like a wounded animal. They flinched at the noise. Any servant who heard it nearby would want to investigate and eat whatever made it.

To make him stop, Fenrir slipped his tongue into Hyeon's mouth. He cradled him to the medical room alone after telling Haruma to calm down the other servants. As suspected, some of them came to see what made that enticing cry of a dying animal.

Coty was organizing his perfectly arranged equipment on the sterile table. Due to his OCD, he does this at least ten times a day. Upon seeing Fenrir, he stood up from the swerving circle chair and bowed. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw Hyeon.

"Please put him on the bed." Fenrir carefully laid him on the twin-sized hospital bed. Coty attempted to do a body check but Hyeon didn't want to be touched. He thrashed his limbs to stop anyone from touching him.

"So that's how it's gonna be," Coty uttered. "Guess I have no choice." He went to the cabinet and prepared a needle with a clear medicine inside.

"What's that?" Fenrir wanted to know.

"A sedative to calm him. I can't do my job if he's acting up like this."

"Will it affect him?"

"He'll be fine."

Once the shot was injected into Hyeon's arm, he relaxed on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. Nammi took this chance to jump on the bed and nestle in the crook of his armpit.

The penguin spirit flashed a light into Hyeon's hazel eyes and looked in his ears, as well as inspecting his body. "May I ask what happened? He's completely blind and deaf."

"We don't know. Haruma found him in this state."

Coty rolled away and took some notes. "Well, I can confidently say he did it to himself. Hyeon has no other marks on him to suggest being in a physical fight. Interestingly, his eardrums are ruptured in the opposite direction."

"What do you mean by that?"

"When you hear a loud sound next to your ears, the eardrum would rupture towards your inner ear. In Hyeon's case, it ruptured towards the outside of his ear, as if the sound came from the inside of his head. Unfortunately, I don't know what caused it."

The room became silent. Coty cleaned up Hyeon's face with white gauze.

"He's getting worse," the doctor spirit said softly.

"I know."

"It won't be long before it happens. His needs to transition or he'll die."


Coty swiveled around to look at Fenrir. "How do you plan on helping him get through this without his family? A dýr's full transformation has never been accomplished without his or her own kind."

"I have my ways."

Coty sighed and handed him a handful of gauze. "He's still bleeding, so use these. I think his eyesight and hearing will return within a day or two."

"I thought he would stay here?"

"After what Mr. Falken did to my clinic last time? No way!"

"I gave you a whole new room and equipment," Fenrir growled in displeasure.

"Yes, but it took me decades to organize the previous one exactly how I like it. I don't need him ruining my progress with this one, too."

Fenrir roughly grabbed the gauze and huffed, "Fine. You're lucky your time is almost done at my castle." Coty was in his final stage of his rehabilitation. It was almost his turn to experience the last and most difficult step to either reincarnate or switch to the northern lights. That's only if he passes. Otherwise, he'll return to the southern lights in his original, demonic state.

The sooner, the better. It was annoying how high-ranking spirits thought they could get away with the informalities. Haruma was one of the few high-ranks that never stopped forgetting what Fenrir was capable of. He was rewarded with a top authoritative role in the castle because of it. How ironic considering Haruma was the most rebellious spirit ever in the beginning.

Fenrir carried Hyeon out of the medical room. The working spirits saw him coming and moved out of the way. They gossiped after seeing the almighty wolf god carrying an injured servant.

*I'll take him to our room, then I'll finish today's tasks.*

The thought made Fenrir pause. It was the first time to say 'our' instead of 'my' for anything. It has always been him and him alone.

Yet, Fenrir wasn't opposed to the idea. He held Hyeon tighter to his chest.