Peeping Tom


Sleipnir. Odin's eight-legged horse. Also another son of Loki. The circumstances of his conception are quite…interesting. Since they share the same father, that makes them half-brothers.

His annoying sibling ran up to hug him. "I've missed you, older bro!" Sleipnir cried.

Fenrir peeled him off. "Get off me!"

Sleipnir's lips pouted. "But we haven't seen each other in decades!"

"Not long enough, apparently." This guy was so immature for his age. "Why aren't you with Odin?" Fenrir refused to call him grandfather.

"Dunno," his brother shrugged. "He's been missing a lot lately, so I'm not needed."

"My Lord, while I'm humbled to see this reunion, I'm going to force Hyeon off in five seconds," Sani rasped angrily.

Fenrir approached Hyeon from behind and placed a hand on his eyes. "Hvíla." (Sleep.)

Hyeon's grip loosened from Sani's throat. He slumped into Fenrir's arms. Sleipnir watched as his brother carry the sleeping person to the bedroom. After he closed the door, Sleipnir raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you kept humans in your bed. Since when did you become such a softie? You used to run this place with an iron fist."

"He's just an intern." Fenrir didn't want to say too much.

"He seems feisty. His energy is unique. What did you say he was again?" referring to what type of animal blood runs through Hyeon's veins.

"We have a lot of work to do, Sleipnir. Why don't we discuss this over wine, followed by a tour? You haven't seen the renovations," Sani interrupted. Fenrir silently thanked him. His brother was very good at reading people. If he lied about Hyeon's animal, that bastard would become suspicious and pry.

Sleipnir perked at the word 'wine.' Alcohol was a big part of Viking and Asgardian culture, so he couldn't resist the temptation for a drink. "Right, but I only drink the best brands!" He turned to Fenrir. "Big bro, let's talk about your tantrums for my report later, okay?"

Fenrir clenched his teeth and growled, "Sure."

Just leave!

After the two headed to the wine cellar, he collapsed on the couch. He was already exhausted by the exchange. This was about to get complicated real fast.

*How will I get through this without exposing everything?*



"You don't have to return to your duties today," Fenrir said into Hyeon's hair. They were laying together on the bed to keep the sleep entity away. Hyeon woke up earlier, confused as to why Fenrir was being so doting. He was constantly checking his body temperature and asking if he felt ill.

He was surprised to learn that Coty poisoned him. He didn't remember what happened after hearing his parent's names.

"I…actually feel really good; like I could never get tired. Are you sure nothing happened?"

"Nothing happened that's important. I made you sleep right away when you started showing the effects." Fenrir placed a hand on Hyeon's forehead again. "Are you sure you don't feel sick? You almost died in your sleep."

Hyeon lightly smacked the hand away and laughed. "I don't feel any different from five minutes ago! Besides, don't phoenixes come back after they die, anyway?"

He's lying, he thought to himself. Something definitely occurred after he blacked out. No matter how many times he asked, Fenrir insisted it was nothing. "Since it's almost time to begin my shift, I should get ready."

Fenrir grabbed Hyeon's wrist as he was sliding off the bed. "I don't think you should. At least not today, or maybe a few weeks."

*What is up with him?*

"You sound like you want to hide me from the world," he joked.

"I do."


"…Is there a reason?" Hyeon questioned.

"Yes. Someone was sent here to investigate me. If they found out about your ability, they'd report it to everyone. I have no way to control what goes on outside of this castle."

Hyeon climbed over Fenrir. When he looked down at the man below him, he saw genuine concern. "Are you worried about me?"

"No." Fenrir's human ears turned pink. It was one of the rare times when his wolf features were hidden.

Hyeon smirked. "Why do you keep lying?"

"I'm not."

"You are! You're like an open book," re-quoting what Fenrir said about his hazel eyes when they did their first training session.

"What do you mean?" This conversation was like déjà vu.

Hyeon pressed down so their bodies were touching. He nibbled on Fenrir's flushed ear and breathed, "These change color."

The wolf's chest rumbled like a purring cat. Hyeon could feel the other's dick getting hard. Fenrir flipped him over so he was bottom. Since Hyeon was feeling frisky, he licked a tender spot under Fenrir's jaw and sucked hard. He wanted to leave a mark. At the same time, the top pushed his knee between Hyeon's legs. They both moaned at the sensations.

"I-I really need to get ready," Hyeon sighed.

Fenrir pushed apart Hyeon's legs and pulled down the pajama bottoms. His stiff penis was suddenly exposed.

*Wait, I wasn't wearing underwear?!* He could feel his face become hot.

The god lifted Hyeon's hips so his mouth was near the erection. "Are you sure?"

Fenrir was going to take Hyeon's rod into his mouth. His tongue licked the pre-cum drop.


They looked in the direction the sound came from.

A man leaned against the doorframe, holding a bowl of popcorn. "Don't mind me," he said with a mouth full of buttery goodness. Even from far away, it was obvious his features were striking. His smokey grey hair was combed over to the side and pooled down to his jawline. One side was shaved short. The black skinny jeans, Converse shoes, August Burns Red band shirt, and studded belt was a blast from the past from 2009. The punk-emo style suited him. To bring the look together, he had a silver hoop lip piercing. His eyes were the same grey. He could easily fit the image of the lead singer in a screamo band. This was the first time Hyeon has seen him because he'd certainly remember such a person.

"FÁ ÚT!" (GET OUT!), the wolf roared. Fenrir put Hyeon down quickly and placed a bed pillow over his exposed body.

"Aw, but I just got here. It's getting good!" the pervert whined. He ate another handful of popcorn.

Fenrir raced over to the door. In a rage, his wolf features returned and his eyes were glowing yellow. The stranger ran away with a yelp. He slammed the door hard enough that the walls shook.

The mood was ruined. "Who was that?"

"My younger sibling. Sleipnir is also the representative sent here."

Hyeon didn't have a lot of knowledge about Fenrir's family. He should study it more. "You have a brother? Is he a wolf, too?"

Fenrir readjusted his clothes; he also wasn't in the mood to continue where they left off. "I have a few. And no, Sleipnir is a horse."

Non-existent math equations formed around Hyeon's head, trying to make the connection as to how different species can be related. Upon seeing the confusion on his face, Fenrir retrieved an old book from the shelf. The yellowed novel was old and covered in thick dust. It hasn't been read in a long time, if at all. Hyeon peeked at the contents inside. The language was English.

The title read, Asatro.

"What's Asatro?"

"It's the name for Viking's religion. It should explain my family tree."

"Er, thanks."

The room was quiet. Things were awkward now. He pulled his pajama bottoms up. "I guess I'll get changed."

He walked past Fenrir to go to the closet, but he was yanked back. Fenrir crushed his lips against Hyeon's. Their tongues intertwined. The sucking sound of their kiss was loud. "Let's finish later," Fenrir muttered into his mouth.

"Okay, Master."

When the wolf left the room, Hyeon groaned at the ceiling. Before leaving for work, he needed to make his dick soft. It was still standing at attention.

He wanted to kill Sleipnir for the interruption, or whatever the bastard's name was. Who the heck waltzes in and watches like that?

*Just wait 'till I give that cock block a piece of my mind!*