Returning the Favor

Ten. There were ten servants getting closer. They ignored their own summoning symptoms, no matter how painful, to get a piece of Hyeon. He thought of ways to fight back if he had to, but the chances of winning were highly unlikely.

"Do you need a hand, little bird?" Sleipnir was leaning against the wall, amused by the situation. "What an interesting smell you have."

"I don't need your help," Hyeon said with clenched teeth.

Sleipnir shrugged. "If you say so. Let me know how it goes after getting a taste of ten people at once, all the while your friend there destroys himself. Toodles." He started to leave towards Fenrir's direction.


The brother stopped. His lips had a slight upward curve, knowing Hyeon would change his mind.

"What happens to me doesn't matter, but please help Haruma."

A spirit with leopard ears and spots pounced at the suffering duo, but Sleipnir kicked at the servant like it was nothing. They went flying across the room. "I'll help both of you. For a price, that is."

By then, Hyeon was standing in a pool of blood that wasn't his own. Haruma almost had his heart since his grip on the fox's arm was weakening. He could feel his phoenix strength receding as another orgasm approached. It would be his third one in so little time, and he doubt his body could stay conscious after experiencing the intense waves.

"Okay, okay. What do you want?"

"I want you to ride me later. Outside."

Hyeon's body grew hot, obviously thinking dirty thoughts. That he couldn't do, but did he really have a choice?

Sleipnir cackled when he realized how nasty his offer sounded. "Oh no, I didn't mean it like THAT, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if you asked." He winked. "I meant to actually ride on me when things settle down. You know, because I'm a horse. The fastest one in history."

Hyeon could feel it coming. The pressure in his crotch grew. "Whatever. Fine. Just help us."

Sleipnir smiled. He was consumed by white, cloud-like vapor. Sparkles swirled in the pretty fluff. This wasn't anything at all like Fenrir or the spirits here, who get covered by black smoke when they transform.

A huge, draft horse stood where Sleipnir was. Its coat and mane were a sleek, dark grey color. The most noticeable feature was its eight legs.

This wasn't the time to admire the animal. The horse bent forward to allow the two passengers onto its back. While pushing Haruma on top first, another servant jumped on Hyeon. The spirit sunk its sharp teeth into his nape and tried to squeeze Hyeon's chest with desire.

*I've had enough of today!,* he screamed mentally. Instead of being taken advantage of so easily, he sucker-punched the servant. Hyeon climbed up and straddled Haruma from behind.

Sleipnir wasn't lying when he said he was fast. His muscular legs propelled them through the castle at lightning speed, the sound of galloping echoing around them. What would take Hyeon ten, maybe fifteen minutes, to get to Fenrir's room took a minute.

In the meantime, the friction of the moving beast below him against his crotch finally caused him to release himself. Strong tingles moved up his spine and his hips quivered. To not fall off, he tightly held onto Sleipnir's mane and moaned into Haruma back. He hoped Fenrir's brother didn't notice the pleasure he was feeling.

When they arrived, Hyeon slid off from large equine, but tumbled to the floor since his legs couldn't support his weight. He pulled himself up the best he could and left Haruma on Sleipnir. It was difficult to reach the vintage doors because a large group of employees were waiting outside from being summoned.

He pushed through the crowd, went inside despite the servants' objections, and paused at the sight of the room. It was destroyed. Books from the library wall were strewn everywhere, the few pieces of furniture were broken into splintering pieces, giant holes punctured the walls, and the tall window that provided the only view of the world was broken on one side.

Sani stood in front of the corner near the window, surrounded by colorful, transparent clouds. He was about to use his magic.


He looked at Hyeon. His glasses were cracked in the right spec, and his rustic red hair was ruffled from a scuffle. "Now is not the time."

"Please help Haruma."

"Unfortunately, I can't. Not now. I'm using all of my strength to maintain his size. If I stop, he will get bigger and destroy this place."

*Whose size?*

Hyeon looked around Sani and saw a black wolf in a defensive stance from being cornered. It was barring its teeth and snarling at the Native deity. Its yellow eyes were blinding. Glowing bands from the Gleipnir swirled around its fur.

The vibrant clouds from Sani's spell encapsulated Fenrir.

Upon seeing the same, black canine, his chest tightened. He recalled memories of the giant wolf's jaws locking onto his body and chasing him down the river. A panic attack was coming. Not again.

Hyeon took a big breath and thought about Fenrir from this morning, how he didn't want him to do his duties today out of concern. How his heart responded when Rojo asked if Hyeon loved him. How he let Hyeon take his soul energy when he didn't have any to spare. When he looked at the wolf again, Hyeon didn't see a rampaging god. He saw an animal, a man, who was scared and vulnerable. Sani was making the situation worse.

"Get out," Hyeon demanded.

Sani raised a sweaty eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"GET OUT! And stop with that magic thing you're doing."

"Mr. Falken, I don't think you understand. He doesn't have enough soul energy to—"

Hyeon hurled a ball of fire at Sani, who glared at him, something that Fenrir tried to show him during training. It was easier to use his ability if he had a purpose to use it. "I said leave. I know you're capable of healing Haruma."

Sani must've seen something in Hyeon. Maybe it was determination or just plain craziness. "…Alright. I'll leave him to you. I don't get paid enough for this, anyway." He withdrew the swirling mist. As soon as he did so, Fenrir's size grew little by little. Sani seemed a little hesitant but exited the room to aid the servants outside.

The wolf and the phoenix stared at each other.

"Fenrir?" When he called his name, the wolf flinched and growled. "Can I come closer?"

*Face my fears. Face my fears.*

He inched forward, Fenrir watching closely at every movement. Hyeon became close enough that he could touch him. He reached out to pet his ears. At seeing his hand, Fenrir snapped and bit it, not letting go. Blood oozed from the wound.

Instead of panicking, Hyeon didn't move. Eventually, the wolf released its latch. He tried again to touch Fenrir, but he was bitten on his arm. This cycle of being chomped at and letting go was repeated three more times. Jesus, it really freaking hurt because the jaws were getting bigger.

Seeing Fenrir like this was upsetting him. "Please," Hyeon cried. "Let me do this."

The wolf looked at him and stopped growing. Fenrir laid down in the corner. Maybe it could sense that the other person wasn't a threat. Hyeon took this as a sign to continue. Changing his approach, he got on all fours and crawled towards Fenrir. By now, his body was practically numb from coming in his pants so much. The wetness felt disgusting.

Rather than attempting to touch Fenrir's head, he went for the belly. He was so close…

And then his hand finally grazed the soft, warm fur. Hyeon didn't want to push the boundaries by getting closer. Startling the wolf would ruin his progress.

"I'm going to give back what you gave me, okay?"

The glowing yellow eyes stared at him, probably not understanding a word he just said.

Fenrir's nebula of soul energy suddenly appeared in his chest. It was beckoning for Hyeon to take it for himself. It was so tempting to drink the black galaxy of golden sparkles.

Hyeon shook his head to stop himself.

*Control yourself…*

Instead of absorbing the energy, Hyeon added his own through his touch. He thought about his own soul, imagining it flowing through his upper body and out of his hand.

It was working.

Streams of flaming red mist slowly entered Fenrir's soul. This was the first time to see his own color. The red swirled with the wolf's black energy, creating an intense sunset hue.

Hyeon didn't realize he was donating too much of his soul energy to Fenrir. Seeing the pretty colors mix was distracting him. He was so fixated on the spectacle, he failed to notice that the wolf wasn't there anymore.


The gruff voice pulled him out of his trance. Hyeon was face-to-face with the most beautiful person he's ever seen. Fenrir's black hair was covering his smoldering, amber eyes. Hyeon pushed the hair strands out of the god's face so he could see the color better.

Oh, and Fenrir was naked as the day he was born. Christ.

Fenrir had a regretful expression. He eyed the wounds on Hyeon's arm. Since he was a powerful deity, the injury would take longer to heal itself. "I'm sorry."

The insignia shut off. The heat receded back into the mark.

Hyeon pushed on Fenrir's chest until his back touched the floor. Fenrir wondered what he was doing. Something erupted inside of Hyeon. It wasn't the artificial heat or his inner phoenix.


He really, REALLY wanted this person. Now.


Oof. His heart. "Can we continue where we left off earlier?"