A Kelpie's Meal

It was cold. So cold.

The freezing water stabbed his body like a thousand knives. Hyeon wanted to scream, but he held his breath. He looked up at Fenrir, still grasping onto his arm. They were being pulled further down the bottomless lake.

Fenrir crawled down Hyeon's body to reach his trapped leg. Hyeon could see the god's black soul cloud. Tiny balls of light, like shooting stars, flew from his inner chest to his arms until his hands glowed yellow.

He punched through the water and dug deeply into the kelpie's neck. Since the animal was made of water, its skin sizzled from the lava-like hands touching it. The horse bucked from the searing limb burrowing into its body. Hyeon winced when Fenrir grabbed his foot and yanked it out by the shoelaces. It was difficult to do since the laces snapped from the heat. Parts of his shoe melted.

A few bubbles escaped Hyeon's lips. The pressure in his chest began to tighten. They needed to hurry!

Fenrir pulled on his foot as hard as he could, freeing it, but not without accidentally giving him a few severe burns around his ankle. The kelpie's body slowly disintegrated to join the surrounding water, like it never existed.

Finally! As they swam towards the surface, Hyeon thought, We're going to be okay—

He spoke too soon. A second kelpie came out of nowhere and attached itself to Fenrir, sucking him in completely. Hyeon unconsciously reached out to help him. He could see the god twitching inside trying to free himself of the sticky liquid, but it was no use.

More bubbles trickled out of his mouth. There wasn't much time left before he'd drown! And this time, Shika wasn't here to resuscitate him. He needed to go to the surface, but that would mean leaving his partner behind…

Just when he had no choice but to swim back up, the horse galloped around him in circles. He saw an ocean-blue mist swirling in the kelpie's chest like a whirlpool.

Hyeon's body was scorching inside. The icy lake suddenly felt not so cold anymore.

*Take it,* the voice whispered in his head. *It's yours.*

*Take it. It's mine,* Hyeon told himself.

The kelpie charged at him to consume him as well for its next meal.

He let it come.

And when it did, he wrapped his hands around its jaw and closed his eyes. Hyeon inhaled through his nose, taking water into his lungs. The blue haze transferred from the kelpie's chest to Hyeon's. The glowing light in the transparent horse's eyes blew out like a candle. Its body dissolved like the first one.

Hyeon floated there, letting his body sink. He didn't have any oxygen left. As he was losing consciousness, he stared at the bright surface above.

Someone grabbed his waist and pulled him up. In the corner of his eye, he saw Fenrir holding him close, trying to kick hard enough to bring both of them to the top. In the distance, the glowing eyes from other kelpies swam in the darkness, watching them. They didn't want to risk experiencing the same fate as the other two.

The last of his oxygen bubbles left him. A light flashed through his vision.


He was walking along the edge of a deep river with…four legs? Why did he have four legs? Hyeon realized he had black hooves. Was he a horse?

The scenery was beautiful. There were rolling hills, lush trees, and cute forest creatures. But, why was he here?

"Look at that pritty beast! Shuid we try t'get it?" a child said nearby.

"Aye, let's capture it," a second kid agreed. Hyeon knew this accent. It was Scottish. And judging by their clothes, this was a few hundred years ago.

The two kids slowly approached him with a rope. "Is wet, eh? Did it go fur a swim?"

A wet horse…I'm a kelpie!

Wait! Hyeon internally yelled. Don't touch—

The rope wrapped around his large neck. When the kid secured it, his small hand went to pet him. Instead of feeling soft, black fur, the boy's hand sunk into Hyeon's flank.

"Er, meh hand! I canny git it out!"

The second boy came to help. He also touched the horse's body to help his friend, but he got stuck as well.

"Whit the...!"

The kelpie's sleek black hair melted. Flaps of skin hung off its flesh to reveal a body made of swampy water. The horse galloped towards the river. The children screamed as he, the kelpie, pounced into the water, bringing the two little souls below the water to eat them.


Hyeon was curled up in fetal position, coughing up water. His chest hurt from Fenrir's CPR. He was shivering from being wet in the snow.

*I'm not a horse anymore. It felt like a dream.*

Fenrir laid with him to spoon Hyeon's body. His wolf ears tickled his neck. "Don't do that again," he scolded. "If you have a chance to escape, do it. Don't think about me."

"I-I-I…" Hyeon stuttered. His numb tongue didn't want to work.

"We need to take off these wet clothes. Can you walk?"

He nodded 'no.' He shook like a leaf. Fenrir understood and picked him to cradle him against his chest. As they headed towards the castle, Hyeon looked back at the lake. The water was boiling.

He returned his gaze to Fenrir. His expression was blank as usual, but his amber eyes were saddened. Hurt.

"Are you upset with me?"

"Why would I be?"

"I took another soul. I saw some of the bad things it did in its past life." Hyeon was currently trying his best not to go insane with the toxic emotions he was feeling inside. They weren't as strong as the dingo's soul, but it wasn't good for him mentally. The kelpie's wicked feelings were now his.

Fenrir shook his head. "No. I'm mad at myself. Not only could I not protect you properly, but I had to kill my own servant. When I bring spirits under my wing, I'm supposed to shelter them."

"The kelpies were spirits?" Hyeon asked quietly. He killed one to save him? "Then why did they attack you?"

Fenrir finally met Hyeon's eyes. "Because I'm slowly losing my own strength. The servants can sense it. Some are already losing their humanity. They're reverting to their demonic state. I'm afraid your soul energy isn't enough anymore."

This meant Ragnarok would come. He nestled his face into Fenrir's broad, warm chest. "I'll save you from that fate," Hyeon muttered to himself. He wondered if Fenrir heard him.

There was a reason for the gods to be wary of a phoenix returning. How could he use his rare ability to protect the person he loved?