A Fake Dragon

Hyeon wiped the trickle of blood from his mouth. He couldn't stop staring at the red smear on the back of his hand. Something about it excited him.

More, a voice whispered in his head. More.

The corner of Hyeon's lips curled into a small smirk.

Nammi backed away while looking at Hyeon, on edge. She had tried to warn her soulbond but had failed.

"Hey," Imoogi tried to get his attention. The spirit grew more confident when seeing Nammi hesitate, thinking she feared them rather than the person they were attacking. "What are you smiling at, intern?"

Imoogi snapped his fingers. His cronies which included Eli, Marcia, and two other servants that followed him around, all came at Hyeon at once.

He stared at the ceiling as they all took turns having their way with him, lost in the staticky sound that filled his ears. The kicks to his abdomen, the stings from the scorpion's tail, the bites to his arms…he didn't feel any of that.

Seeing Hyeon lying there without a fight pissed off the ringleader. He snapped his fingers a second time to make the others cease their assault. Imoogi loomed over the half-human.

"Why aren't you fighting back? Are you a masochist?" He straddled Hyeon and raised his balled fist and punched him across the cheek, causing a long, deep cut. Hyeon just…didn't move, frozen.

"This isn't any fun." Imoogi used his other fist and hit Hyeon's eye, hard enough to create a black eye immediately. Just when he was about to smack him again…

Like a viper, Hyeon gripped Imoogi's throat. He dug his fingernails into his neck hard enough for the half-moon indents to draw blood.

Hyeon was no longer amused. Rather, he was angry. So angry.

Enough that he could kill them all.

Take their souls

Make them his.

Nammi hissed. Not at the bullies but at Hyeon. She scurried away.

Hyeon sat up, not letting go of this insignificant bastard. Imoogi scratched at the arm holding him but it wasn't nearly enough to do any harm. He looked at the dragon in the eyes and inspected them closely. Hyeon then glanced at the four other spirits around them. They all had their inner animals activated which was characterized by their glowing irises and faint smoke wafting off their bodies.

But Imoogi didn't have any of that.

The voice returned and told him, *He's not one of us. Defective.*

Hyeon sneered and belted out a laugh. It almost made him cry because the situation was so comical.

Not letting go of Imoogi's neck, he threw him on the ground. It was Hyeon's turn to straddle this phony demon. His fingernails dug deeper, making Imoogi wheeze from his damaged windpipe.

"I see," Hyeon realized. His voice was deeper, more demonic. His irises glowed silver. He felt his upper back grow hotter and winced – his fiery wings wanted to come out, but something was preventing them from being released. The pain was searing. It made him agitated. "This is nothing but a classic case of high school bullying. You've been taking your anger out on someone who just arrived here. And it turns out that pathetic human, aka me, is more powerful than you. You're jealous."

Imoogi gave him a look that read, *Please don't.*

"What are you talking about?" Eli asked, clearly confused. "He's a legendary creature in Korean lore. That's where his name came from."

"Legendary, my ass. Why didn't I see this before?" Hyeon scoffed. He ripped Imoogi's shirt sleeve to reveal the dragon tattoo. "This tat is just a farce to fool others, right? You've done an amazing job convincing others."

Marcia spoke up. "Convince us?"

"Let me ask you this – have you ever seen your oh-so-powerful leader transition? Ever seen his eyes change color? The reason why he makes you fight for him instead?"

They were silent.

Imoogi was desperate. "Wait…please…only…Master, Sani, and Haruma…knows…"

To make him shut up, Hyeon socked him in the face, returning the earlier favor. Imoogi's nose released a waterfall of fresh blood.

"I don't know how you became a servant here or even became an animal demon in the first place. You're a liar."

Hyeon punched him again.

"You're a fake."


"You feel more human than animal."


"You're..." What was that word his inner voice used? "…defective."


"You're not a dragon."


"Admit it."


"ADMIT IT!" Hyeon screamed.

Hyeon kept on pummeling him, spraying droplets of blood on the floor and wall behind them. More servants had joined to watch the spectacle. They were all afraid of the person beating Imoogi to a pulp – his body gave off burning ash, his eyes were crazed, and his face had darkened into a hellish expression.

This would surely stop any future torment on the intern.

The hits kept raining.

Just when Hyeon raised his bloodied fists again, someone caught his wrist from continuing. He roared at the person holding him back. "Let me go!"

"Hyeon. Stop. You've done enough."

Hearing Fenrir's voice brought him back from the full-on rage that had plagued his mind and body. He looked down at the mess he made. Imoogi lay there in a pool of crimson. The man's face was barely recognizable.

Hyeon silently cried. His tears mixed his and Imoogi's blood on his face.

What is this?

"Shit," Sani exclaimed. The Navajo deity stood there across the hallway along with Sleipnir, Haruma, Shika, and a new person that he's never seen before. She had long, dark brown hair that cascaded down her torso and wore a flowing white dress. A large bow and arrow were attached securely to her backside. She was holding Nammi in her arms.

All there were staring in shock at the group – servants surrounding them, Hyeon beating up one of them who was ragged himself, Fenrir holding his hand to make him stop…

"So I was sent on a fake mission to find nothing and this is what I return to? Not only that, but this damned idiot here," Sani pointed to a sheepish Sleipnir, "lied to me, too! Why are Norse deities like this?!"


"Fenrir. Your brother is not the representative sent to check out Festr Castle."

Fenrir was silent, he let go of Hyeon and glared at the horse god. He then looked at the beautiful woman standing next to them. "So, the Greek Goddess of Animals was the representative," he stated as a fact.

Sani pinched his nose. "Yes, Artemis was sent here by Mount Olympus. Sleipnir truly is the son of the trickster god, Loki. He played everyone to listen to his whims while pretending he was here on official business. And look at you! Look at this situation! You know what this means, right?"

Fenrir looked away, knowing full well what Sani was referring to.

"What does it mean?" Hyeon asked.

Before he could answer, Artemis walked towards Hyeon over the soft layer of ash he had created with his energy earlier. Her vibes were on par with Fenrir's – powerful, immense, scary, magnificent…

Hyeon automatically stood up. Something about her made him want to respect her. After she put Nammi carefully on the ground, she took both of her hands and gently placed them on Hyeon's bruised cheeks, not caring about the blood and tears dirtying her palms. Unlike the first time he met Fenrir who was cold and menacing, she was kindhearted. Welcoming.

Hyeon closed his eyes and absorbed the warmth flowing from her hands.

His inner phoenix finally returned after its long absence. *The Goddess of Animals. She's fond of every beast, no matter what or who they are.*

Artemis's eyes were kind as she caressed Hyeon's jaw. "How lovely. A phoenix. What are you called?"

"Hyeon Falken," he purred.

"It's been too long, little bird. It's peculiar how your family name means falcon, too. I wasn't aware your species has returned. Zeus surely won't like this. Anyway, it's a shame what has to happen next."

"No," Fenrir objected.

Artemis snapped, "One of the laws set here is for no violence between the demons. Are you saying you'll give him special treatment? Is that fair to the others?"

Fenrir remained quiet, grinding his teeth at her words. "He's still human. He's more delicate than the immortal spirits here."

"Whatever happens down there is out of our hands. My little bird still has to be punished for fighting. It went far beyond self-defense. The other five will have to go with him, too."

Imoogi had passed out some time ago and couldn't react, but Eli and the others trembled.

Fenrir shook in anger. His wolf ears popped out in a wisp of smoke. "No. I can't send him there, not in his current mental state. It might be too late to help him when he returns."

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice. I'm overriding your objections, Fenrir, Wolf God of the Southern Aurora, Bringer of Ragnarok."

Hyeon didn't like the sound of this. "Where am I going?"

Artemis rolled a lock of his hair in between her fingers. "My poor phoenix. You're being sent to what the spirits here call 'the basement,' the realm that lies below the southern lights. This specific location was chosen to build the castle because there's a portal that connects there to here. You'll be punished by Fenrir's sister, Hel, the Norse Goddess of Death, in the Viking underworld. Now, let's send you off to Neilheim, shall we?"