Deadly Attack

When everything was ready, Fane immediately called out the names of the following contestants: "Vinor Guillerm and Katlyn van Erden!"

Immediately after his words, a girl in a white robe with short black hair and a short young man with thick brown hair entered the arena.

They had no weapons in their hands, but both Vinor and Katlyn each had a Magic Artifact.

Not every mage used Catalysts. They were not a necessity, and without them the mage felt self-sufficient. "Catalysts" were only an addition to their fighting style. Sure, some Catalysts enhanced spells or made them require less mana. But, everything was strictly individual. Everyone had their own peculiarities and disadvantages.

So it was no surprise that mages were going to fight with their bare hands. It wasn't the Catalysts that were their weapons, it was the mana and spells.