The Class and The Color

Evan left the house and headed for the academy. On his way out of the village, he saw Fien, Enni, Katlyn and the other members of his group, but not all of them. Evan didn't ask where they were, he`d already known the answer and it didn't bother him much. Right now, he was interested only in the entrance exam and nothing else.

Today, at the Academy of Magic it would be decided not only what type of student he would become, internal or external, but he would finally find out what his Class was.

As Zak had said him earlier, almost all magicians found out their Class at the Academy of Magic. It took special methods to determine this. Of course, one could spend many months studying the spells of the different Types of Magic, but it was impractical. It was much more efficient to go to the Academy of Magic.

The exam was still about two hours away, so Evan took his time. He walked calmly among the dense green forest heading towards the big city.