The Knowledge is Never Too Much

After activating the Sigil of the 71st demon, Duke Dantalion, of the second level, Evan concentrated and found himself in "Nirvana." 

The demon was already waiting for him, it was also a book, but it was not old and shabby like before. In appearance, it was no different from the most ordinary book that lay on the shelf in the bookstore.

Evan smiled and said his request, "I want to have the ability to save the contents and all the information from any book with one touch of my hand."

As Evan was leaving the library, he thought of just that. Duke Dantalion could give him this ability, but the problem was that Evan would have to use the Sigil of the second level to do so. For the same reason, Evan first had tried to use the Sigil of the first level, but unfortunately, it hadn't worked. To fulfill this request, he needed a stronger incarnation of the demon.