The Beginning of the Plan

Evan was seriously wounded by the red lightning that hit him, but he was highly pleased with his progress despite the pain. Each of his three spells became significantly stronger, but Evan wasn't going to stop there. He had several spells in which he wanted to increase his Awareness.

First, he wanted to try to increase Awareness in his two new blood magic spells. He was sure that Ruthless Piranha Jaws and Hell Vampire Wings would become much stronger. Something told Evan that the higher the Rarity of a spell was, the stronger it would become as it improved.

Secondly, Evan wanted to see if he could increase Awareness in Death Feathers Fan and One-Eyed Raven's Beam on his own. Last time, One-Eyed Raven's Beam had increased its Awareness and even level because of the increased trust between them. But, Evan had never yet tried to become better at using this spell himself.