
I crossed the road. I didn't wanna interrupt their conversation so stood besides entrance. I couldn't see who were inside as their was only a gate and no windows. But i could clearly hear their conversation.

That girl's voice was as sweet as melody. I could get melt just by hearing that voice. 

I wasn't able to melt in that sweet voice cause a harsh voice started pricking my ears. That was the man inside who she was talking to. 

Instead of a conversation i should say they were arguing. I didn't know the topic of their argument but it was clear that the girl was in trouble. 

"I already told you that i would return it next month" the girl shouted.

"You said the same this last month didn't ya?" the man replied. "I'm not gonna get fooled by your sweet chit chat again. This time i won't let you go"

That man seized her hand. She shouted in a troubled voice. All the people passing by the shop completely ignored that as if nothing happened. I couldn't just stood there doing nothing. 

I emerged out from behind and stood right besides that girl. She saw me, i saw her. I barely handled myself. Became too nervous. She stood still glaring at me it was like she saw a ghost or something.

"What the hell are interfering here for punk?" He let go of her hand. "Who the hell are you?".

"Umm hmm you know i- i- i-m I'm her boyfriend."

She now looked at me with a even more surprising face. I was scared to look at her. 

"Huhh so this girl has a boyfriend?"

"Well… yes i am- but first i need a explanation on what is going on here?"

"So she didn't tell you what she did?". He looked like he was full of rejoice telling about this thing. She rolled her eyes the other side as like she didn't want to be a part of this conversation. 

"So Mr. Boyfriend I'm takate a loan shark"

Aaaaaaaaaaa loannnnmnnn sharkkkkkkkk

I froze there. This feeling was so terrified. Like aren't loan sharks extremely dangerous???? Like they all are gangster type and if not given their money back they will do whatever method needed to get the money out of you.

"And your girl has a debt which she hasn't paid yet. So what are you gonna do now Mr. Boyfriend?"

It was a tense situation but i wanted to help her. I don't know why but i didn't want her to stay in this.

"I will take responsibility" 

"You will take what punk? 

"You don't have to worry about money i will pay you somehow." She finally rolled her eyes up to me. "Why?" She she said. 

I made a gentle smile on my face. "Isn't it obvious I'm your boyfriend right?" 

Takate laughed like he just heard the funniest joke of his life. "Look how pure love has become now. A man is ready to do anything for his girl. I like your guts kid you can take another month for her debt. But i have a condition, being unable to pay next month and you will have to pay double of now"

These loan sharks really all of them are scums. He liked my guts? Lie. All he wanted was to take explended amount of money from me. I could see all his cheap schemes on his face.

"This is nonsense" she said. "You shouldn't get involved with this, he is just trying to make some money out of you."

"Yes i know all of his schemes but i won't fall for it." 

I hold her hand and took steps out of the store along with her. "So Mr. Takate i will meet you next month."

"Yes i will waiting for you." He said with a evil look

I left that area along with her. Walked all the way to the next corner holding her hands. We stopped at that corner. 

I felt a lot relieved. I released all heavy breaths which i was holding. 

"Are you going to let go of my hand?" I immediately let go of her hand. That was a shy moment. We just stopped their silently glaring the road. I was afraid to look at her in eyes. 

"So Mr. Boyfriend what was that all about?"

"I'm really really sorry to get involved in it like that. I just made that up at that instant so please don't mind about that boyfriend thingy."

"Well I'm not angry with you rather i should be thanking you for saving me there"

She extended her hands towards me i reached out and shook hands with her. It was the first time i saw her clearly. Really long hairs, a gentle smile, short skirt and a top. Just looking at her made me shy.

"My name is Chiharu Furukawa. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Michio Mihara. Nice to meet you too."

Holding each other hands with a smile on our faces. That day became the most beautiful day of my life. Just looking at her up close it felt like i had loosened up all of my tension and stress. 









"So… You wanna come to my house?" She said.
