CHAPTER 21: A Good Harvest

Give minutes pass, at the Shop Market.

Jay and Flying Niki was waiting in front of a water fountain. A while later three players started to walked to them there are Handsome Cloud, Snow Ball and Panda

"Where here." Jay shouted as he wave his hand up.

Soon the five players started to have a small talked and smile at each other.

"Okay everyone go and get stronger help each other and also assist Flying Niki to adopt." Jay said

The four just listen to Jay as they already set him as there commander and leader in there heart. After that they started to depart to continue grinding.

Actually the be grinding spot was a Level 5 area, the rock spider cave. They are level 5 soul monster.

Rock Spider

Level 5

HP 200/200

With the trios strength Jay know that they can kill them and with the new member that didn't know whether he has skilled or not Jay still believe in him, there was also the trio who will help get strong and adopt in killing soul monster with the three help.

Then Jay also start his journey he walked outside of the town. Well he will got to treasure hunting. Treasure box also divided to grade, white treasure chest, silver, gold to dark gold treasure chest and so on. The higher a treasure chest the better the items.

After leaving the town, he hurriedly rushed over to the treasure chest spot, if he met a soul monster he would detour around and maintain his distance. Jay passed through a two level soul monster zone, level 3, and level 4 soul monster zone. And finally he arrived at the soul monster zone where a Level 5 Wildcats area.

After surveying the surrounding area, he saw a sense and lush grass that could reach up to ones waist. He saw a tall maple tree rising above the vegetation. The silver treasure chest was not far from this location. As Jay grew closer his heart began to tense up with nervousness.

At his current strength and level it's still hard to deal with level 5 Wildcats in a group so he was carefully and sometimes conceal himself if a group of four wildcats would pass by the area.

Suddenly, the underbush in the distance began to move, Jay expression tense up as he quickly went into hiding and activated the skill stealth.

A wildcat that was large as a dog shepherd out of the thickets, as his eyes surveyed the surroundings, and it didn't discover anything it run again and disappeared in the grass.

Only when the wildcat gone far away did Jay continue to move forward, as soon as he reach the ten meter radius around the maple tree. A silver chest could be seen and a six wild cats was roaming around.

After observing there fixed pattern while roaming the are, Jay start his move. He slowly crept towards the maple tree until the distance between him and the chest shortened.

Times come by all the wildcats in the area were rather far away now form Jay about five meters. After he confirm that he was finally safe, Jay accelerate his pace and move to arrive at the silver chest.

Jay crouched down to open the chest.

SYSTEM: Opening a chest.

Time taken: 30 seconds.

While Jay was opening a the treasure chest, a wildcat suddenly walked forward to him, As the wildcat was moving forward and suddenly stopped and eventually turned around and left to another direction.

Jay sigh and his body eased up. He opened the chest and began to get what was inside. When his hand came into contact with a book, his heart abruptly jump as he saw a skilled booked and unknown item.

Taking the book out, and looked it over.

[Vital Strike]

Can cause additional damage by attacking an enemy's vital point.

When Jay saw the description of the book he could not help but get excited, he grabbed it and clicked "Learn" and it became stay of white light. And he checked the other item.


Go find the librian of the maple town to unseal the item.

Jay didn't expect to find a unknown item, he place it on his sling bag to checked it later when he have time. And he began leave as the treasure chest began to fade away after taking the items.

Jay continue to hunt treasure chest and got many good items. He place the equipment they don't have used to auction house. He also got ores and four skilled books which make him more happy.

[Frost Ball]

Can create a damage attack and freeze an enemy for 3 seconds.

[Sword Blade Attack]

Make a critical damage attack to the enemy.

[Shield Cover]

Create a Barrier the help to defend.

[Light Sun]

Used to blind an enemy.

Jay called Handsome Cloud to come in town and give the skill books to be distributed with his teammates. After the four learn the skill they gave Jay a private message to thank him.

After that Jay proceed to accept quest. He begun to run into clay house area around the maple town.

NPC: Hunter Klen

Quest: Collect 50 silver rat skulls.

NPC: Boss Wen

Quest: Kill 60 Silver Rats.

NPC: Alchemist May

Hidden Quest: Collect 20 Rat Tails.

Jay accepted the related quest of killing silver rats which he know from his past Dark Soul quest. He begun to run and heading to the area where silver rats was. Silver Rats were soul monster that like rodents, they more quite sluggish and their attack wasn't all that high.

Silver Rats

Level 4

Health 200/200

Jay moved quickly after discovering a silver rats, he attacked leaving several stab marks on its back and three damage values appeared followed by lightning attacks. He continue his grinding to silver rats as his EXP bar continue to increase. Rat tails, skulls, skin and etc. all these items were gathered in large heap. Furthermore he had so obtained a three coppers. As he was picking a loot he saw an equipment and pick it up.

[Leather Leg Protector]

Defense +5

Strength +4

Speed +4