Chapter One


I watch as the sun set on the big window of my office. I look down at my watch and groan. Its been thirty minutes that I've been waiting here and im starting to run out of patience.

Finally a knock on the door forced me to turn my seat around and straightened my self before telling them to come in.

"Good Evening Miss. Galvez." The man wearing a black suit greeted me along with his partner. They are my private investigator since i turned eighteen.

" What took you two so long? You know that i really hate waiting." I scold them and the both of them bow and apologize. I took a deep sigh and just stare at them.

"Well, what's the rush?" I boredly asked them and cross my arms infront of me.

"We have some news." Jake said and smiled at me. I didn't smile back and maintain my poker face.

"Ofcourse you have. Why would you be here if you have nothing so say?" I sarcastically said and roll my eyes at him. 

"Ahm.. Our news will surely make you happy Miss. Galvez." Jackson said with pure excitement in his voice.

Seriously? Am i the one who's gonna be happy with the news or him? He looks more excited than i am.

"Oh cut the chase. What is it?" I snap and raise my eyebrows at them. Jackson pull out a white folder from his suitcase. He gave it to me with a wide smile on his face.

'Arrgghh.. Creepy '

I reached for it and slowly flip the folder open. Reading what's inside of it.

My forehead creases as i read what is written in it.

"Scarlet Alcantara..." I said out loud with a confused expression and look back at the two smiling idiot infront of me.

"Who is this women and why would i be happy? " I questioned them and frown. I dont see anything exciting about this.

"Well, she owns a high fashion boutique somewhere south and she's single, she's 35 years old now an---."

"Wait, wait! Hold your horses. I can read! You moron." I cut him off. He just bow his head and rub his hands together, something he do when he's embarrassed.

"Why are you telling me all her information? Who is she?" I patiently asked again.

"You have no idea who she is?" Jake ask while still smiling.

"Geez, why would i ask you who she is if i have any idea who she is? Why are you so stupid Jake!" I snap at slam the folder down on the table.

Im having a bad day and their stupidity is making it worse.

"She's the most Billionaire woman in the Philippines." Jackson replied and smile again.

"So? Is she that important that i should know about her!?" I snap at him. He's really getting in my nerve.

"Well..she is, infact you've been looking for her since you turned eighteen." Jake respond and grin at me.

Argghh, i really want to slap those grins in their faces. Its annoying me.

"What? Im not looking for any---." I stopped dead in my tracks and my eyes widen. I look at Jake and Jackson as they both nod at me.

"She's the golden eyed woman you've been looking for..."


"Akie, are you sure of what your doing?"

"Yes, Celine. Im more than sure." I answered her and began packing.

"May i remind you that she's in the Philippines. Its an ocean away from here!" I rolled my eyes at my bestfriend Celine.

I stop packing and look at her.

"Celine, I've been waiting for this moment since i was Ten years old. Do you think an ocean away can stop me from going there?"

She sigh and bit her lips." Im sorry. Your right, you waited this long to find her. Im just worried. Its so far away from here and you dont have any relatives or friends there. What if something bad happen to you? I cant afford to lose you too." She said and sigh again. Her eyes are a little teary.

Celine is like my sister. We know each other since highschool. We lived together in a same house, she's a super model.

"Nothing bad is going to happen to me. I'll be careful, i promise." I said and kiss her cheeks softly before hugging her tight.

"Promise me that you'll come back Akierra.. Promise me." She whisper while hugging me and i nod.

"I promise." I heard her sigh again and i pull away from the hug.

"I'll let you finished packing your stuffs. Im going to start cooking our dinner." She said and pat my shoulder. I nod at her and watch her walk toward the door of my room. Before she go out she look at me and smile.

"I love you Akie." She said and walk away.

I close my eyes and took a deep breath. I smile and continue packing my stuffs. I feel like im the happiest person on the earth right now.

My parents will finally get the Justice that they deserve. I will finally get revenge for them. I can remember what happened fifteen years ago like it was yesterday. Its fresh from my mind and i will never forget that day.

I will make sure she will pay for what they did to my parents and the only plan i think is to destroy her..not literally. I will destroy everything she worked for, ill make sure that she'll bow down to my feet and beg for my forgiveness that i would not give her of course.

She will live in guilt for the rest of her life for messing up with my family and making me suffer.

But first..i need to make her fall inlove with me then, gain her trust and slowly took step by step to fulfill my plan.

I stare at my mom and dads picture, smirking at the thought of my beautiful revenge.