Chapter Six Akierra


Its been a few days since i started working here and i can say that it was not what im expecting. Im frustrated with my self, its been days and i haven't even done one single thing to make her fall inlove with me.

Well, first of all its a bit hard to make a step cause she's always gone. I mean, she's always on a business trip or sometimes she'll give me so many works that i forgot the plan i prepared for that day.

Its really frustrating to be honest.

"Hey, cheer up. Its too early to be grumpy." Kylie said, snapping me out of my frustrating thoughts.

I look at her and just smile.

We're here in a small coffee shop, not far away from the office. I purposely come in early to investigate something in her office but unfortunately Kylie arrived. She invited me to get coffee since its still early and i agree.

"So how is your job as Miss.Alcantara's secretary?" Kylie asked. I sipped on my coffee before leaning back on my chair.

" was great."I sparingly answer.

She laughed. "Great? Haha, really?"

I nod my head.

She laughed and just shook her head at me.

"Wow, i didn't expect anyone to say that." She said and sipped at her coffee.

"Why?" I ask.

She shrugged. "No one can stand her coldness and bad temper."

"Is that so?"

"Yup, that's why im surprised when you said that its 'great'" She answered, quoting what i said earlier.

"Well, sometimes she's really a pain in the ass but i can handle it."

"I like your bravery." Kylie said and smile at me.

We talked for a while before we decided to head back to the office before the wicked boss arrive.

"After you." Kylie said when she open the door for me. I giggle and was about to step out of the coffee shop when i caught a glimpse of a familiar woman inside the coffee shop.

I heard the Cafe Attendant call her name but she left in a hurry, leaving her coffee behind.

"Ahm Kylie, you can go first. I just have to do something real quick." I said to Kylie and re -entered the coffee shop to order again. Not bothering to wait for Kylie's reply.

I smiled at what I was thinking of doing. I feel like I have something to start with.

I approached the Cafe Attendant calling her name earlier and talked to him.

"Hi goodmorning, my boss was in a hurry so she just ordered me to take it." I said and forcefully smile at the male attendant.

"Okay, she already paid for it earlier." He answered and hand me the coffee. I said thanks to the male attendant and left the cafe with a big smile on my face.

Let the game begins..


I quickly got to the office and went straight to Miss's office. Alcantara. I knocked first before entering her office.

I saw her sitting behind her desk while busy doing something.She stopped what she's doing for a moment and looked at me, raising an eyebrow at me.

"It's too early to pissed me off, what are you doing here?" I gulped by the coldness of her voice but still smiled sweetly at her.

"Nothing Maam. I just thought of bringing you coffee."

"Who says I like coffee?" She asked again.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her.

"No one, i just really have this weird feeling that you need one." I respond to her and smile sweetly again.

She look at me for a moment, analyzing me with her usual poker face.

"Give it to someone else, i can buy my own." She said and averted her eyes from me. Focusing back to what she's doing before i arrived.

I stare at her with my mouth agape. I know that she's a bitch but i didn't expect it to be this worse.

"You can leave Ms. Galvez." She said when she saw me still standing there.

"Okay. Geez, why are you such a bitch? No wonder you dont have friends. " I mumble under my breath as i walk towards the door but before i could open it someone slams it shut again.

I almost drop the coffee in shocked as my eyes widen. I turn around and was greeted by her blazing gaze making me gulp.

Gosh, how did she get here so fast? She was just sitting behind her desk a few minutes ago and now she's infront of me, pinning me behind her office door.

"I-is there something i can do for you Miss?" I stuttered a little bit. My heart is still racing on how close she is to me. One wrong move and i can just reach her luscious red lips.

Oh wait! Why am i thinking about her lips? Geeeezzzz Akierra, what is going on inside that head of yours!?

I bit my lips hard and internally scolded my self. I was too occupied talking to my self that i didn't even hear her ask something.

"Are we clear!?" She said through gritted teeth, snapping me out of my head.

"Ahm..sorry, what was that Miss?" I hesitantly asked her. She furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Im not playing games with you Ms.Galvez. whatever is going on inside that head of yours, stop it before you'll regret it." She coldly replies.

I dont know if i should be worried that she thinks that i have some sort of evil plan.

"What do you mean?" I confusedly asked her.

Her expression didn't change, she lean in closer to my face making my eyes widen before shutting my eyes close. I felt her breath hit my lips before her lips grazed to my cheeks and toward my ear.

"It means that if you plan to get in to my pants then coffee won't be a good start." She whispered.

Im still shutting my eyes closed tightly before i heard her heels walk away from me and spoke, causing my eyes to flutter open.

"You're dismissed Ms.Galvez." She said with a smirk on her lips.

The only thing i did was nod and walk out of her office with her smirk repeatedly pops up of my mind.

'Fudge! What the hell just happened?'