45. Rut (Filler) [M]

[Author's Note!! Hey guys, so i forgot to add a warning in the previous so it'd be great, if you'd back and read the author's note. Haha thank you]

[This is a filler episode and told in Third POV]


The stack of papers rolled up in a cylinder, made contact loudly with the table. The living room was shrouded in darkness and it was only four in the evening. A little too early for such gloominess.

"I feel the need to comment on your daring feat." A voice rang out from the messenger. He had entered the living room with gusto and defiance.

The man, who was spoken to, looked up frigidly without a word. He then looked down at the stack of papers lying on the tea table once and walked over, picking it up without a word or a sound.

"I expect you to hold up your end of the bargain." The messenger gruffly said, in begrudging tones as he glared into the darkness.