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12-His Genuine Laugh

What I saw behind the door was astonishing.. I was mesmerized by the beauty of this penthouse.

Mark: Do you like it?

Me: As much as you like your job.

And trust me he LOVES his job.

Mark: *chucking*

I was entering the penthouse but stopped because I noticed that Adrien wasn't following me in. I decided to look back and I saw him looking.. uh I don't know how to explain it but I could tell that he was debating whether he should enter or not.

Me: Just come on.

I said dragging him in by his wrist.

Adrien: You have a beautiful house.

Me: I KNOWWW RIGHTTTT!! It's exactly my taste!!

Mark: Your welcome.

I am awed. By this BEAUTY.

Me: Mark

I say turning to face him

Me: You have successfully saved your job

When I said this, he started to dance

Yup, he can be like that sometimes. I mean working with me for 4 years isn't less, plus it would be boring if we weren't friends.

Adrien: *laughing*



Me: *blushing* SHUT UP

What happened? What happened was.. I danced with mark like not that romantic dance and all but the weird dance. Godd!! I mean I like it.

I saw that Liam just passed by my penthouse.. FYI we haven't closed the main door till yet so we can see who passed by and who didn't.. so that wasn't at all the case. He started stepping backward and 'shock' was written all over his face.

He started walking towards us till he reached infront of Adrien.

Adrien stopped laughing.

Man! I know I didn't wanted him to tease me and all but that's not true! It's just me saying shut up in a fun manner! I loved how he laughed. It was genuine.


Adrien: Take care. I'll come check on you later.

He said with a smile and they both scurried away.

Mark looked at me and we started weird dancinggg

FUNNNNNN!! Oops.. I almost lost my balance. Smh.. I should rest. WHERE'S MY BED!!

Me: You go to your penthouse and I am gonna rest now. You too go and rest.

Mark: Call me if you need me. I have texted you the password of my penthouse with floor number and the penthouse number. Also, I know your password too.

He said the last part sticking out his tongue and ran off like a little child. *Eyeroll* He is a little child.. Atleast he behaves like one.

Me: HEY!

And with that I heard the door slam.

I should call someone to change the password tomorrow or just learn how to do it..

But tomorrow.

And with that I changed my clothes and drifted off to sleep.