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14-The fan meeting

After me agreeing to them, I kicked all of them out because they started talking about how I shouldn't do much work *eyeroll*

I started reviewing my project for that TFS meeting with my clients.

After reviewing it in an hour.. I decided to pick out a dress for the fan meeting.

Me and everyone else decided for me to not go with them as "their friend" because it'll attract a lot of attention, which isn't good if we take the recent events in consideration.

I mean me just going there can attract attention too but I guess it's fine since it doesn't matter if I say I am a fan.

After picking out a shorts and a buttoned shirt.. and a few accessories, I decided to continue reading the book 'one day in december'.

Few hours later..

I glanced at my side table clock.. it said 2:30.. I decided to get ready because I take an hour to take a shower!

An hour and a half later..

I was all ready and was waiting for the boys and Mark.

Mark said he'll also accompany me, so well he will..

Me and the boys met at the building's entrance and decided to meet there(as in the fan meeting place). I did not buy the ticket because Adrien already did for me. Sweet right? I know.. *smiling*

They went with their manager and I went with Mark.

At the event..

So there are A LOT of people like.. A LOT.

We just came in with LOTS of fans.

So when we were entering.. I couldn't look at the boys because I was too busy finding my seat.

My seat was in the first row!

I sat there but Mark booked his own ticket so he got a ticket which was in the last row or something.. I sat there and saw Adrien signing and holding hands with a fan and slightly distracted.

After the fan moved on to the next member.. he started looking around as if finding something or someone and then our eyes met. We both got lost but came back to senses when the next fan girl came infront of him.

Everyone were shouting "I LIKEEE YOUUUU" and stuff like that. Michael was flirting with the fans *laughing*

So it was my turn to get a signature..

First was Liam..

He just shakes my hand and then gives me a smile and sign it up.

Since it wasn't the chance to move on to the next member.. we decided to talk.

"Do you like it?" Said Liam

Me: It's fun!!! Like I have NEVER been to one of these.

Seeing my excitement he started laughing.

Then since we had more time he started telling me about how they went on a trip once and did a skydiving and even made Xander do it. (He is afraid of heights (Xander)) like not scared scared but he just wants someone to be with him so he held onto Michael for the whole trip *laughing*

And I literally bursted out laughing..

All the members looked at me and Liam. They didn't know what we were talking about because we were whispering to eachother.

We both looked at their direction and smiled innocently and they ALL gave us both a puzzled look but went back to pay attention to their fans, their fans also looked at us.

So it was time to hop onto the next person I waved my hand to him and so did he.

Next was Michael.

He didn't held my hand because Adrien glared at him for a moment, not enough because it might seem suspicious.

So we just talked

He told me how they pranked on him once by throwing him into an ice cold water in his sleep and his phone too went in that water *laughing*

Me: HOLLYYYY *LAUGHING* Your poor phone. *Laughing*

Michael: Oh you think I didn't take my revenge? *Smirking*

Me: You did? Howww??

Michael: I-

But it was time to go to the next member

I told Michael to tell me about it later.

Next was Xander.

"Hii Skydiving boyyy" I said laughing but obviously I whispered the 'skydiving boy' part.

Xander: Liam told you right? *Frustrated* Damn that guy! Let me tell you.. it wasn't just me he too was forced to go but he didn't held onto me.

Me: why?

Xander: Because being with someone who's already scared makes him feel more scared.

Me: Well...

Xander: There's more.. He didn't jump.. samuel pushed him *laughing*

Me: *laughing*

Xander: Later he practically didn't talk to him for the entire trip.

Me: *laughing*

And then the next one..

Me: See you later!

Xander: Later!

Next was Adrien..