Byung-Hun and Alex came early and secure their spot in the conference room. Exactly after 10 minutes the conference room is full of the scientists that are in charge with the meteor stone. Small whispers began to be heard here and there, including the same thing that Alex had been told Byung-Hun about the red stone. 

Byung-Hun and Alex looking at each other as their instinct seems to be right that this meeting must be about the red stone that already changes form. But, they are very curious what's behind the announcement all about as the faces that they never met before also present in the hall.

"I saw 'you know who' before coming in." Alex half whisper talking to Byung-Hun.

Not catching for what his friend is saying Byung-Hun frown, his forehead significantly of not understanding.

Alex grunts a little bit by his friend slow witted and explain, "I saw the military minister outside before coming in."

Byung-Hun tried to find the said person, but his eyes didn't catch anything. "I can't see him in here." He then whispers back.

"That's what making this whole thing suspicion. Why high ranking official present inside this building but we don't know nothing about it. Not a single ceremony or confetti to welcoming him at all. He definitely not here to watch us getting speech from our head professor you know."

"Let's just wait. There must be a reason why they make us to get together in here." Byung-Hun tries to stop Alex curiosity from getting worst. He also feels impatient, but if he still entertaining Alex, his ear will be bleeding from hearing the man talking non-stop all the way.

After a while, the head professor starts standing behind the microphone. He then observed the whole hall, which was quite noisy at that time. The hall automatically becomes quiet signifying that everyone was playing attention to him. Satisfied with it, he then began, his words.

"Hello all. I introduce myself first as we got a new staff that will be working with us starting today. My name is Professor Vincent and I become the head professor for the rainbow meteor research based in Korea this year. Under me there are two team that been in charge separately for the red stone and the blue stone. Team 1, that in charge of the red stone is been conduct by Professor Do-Yun from Korea."

Him at that momentous point out to the said man and Professor Do-Yun come to the stage and bowing to all people sitting in front. Professor Vincent then continues his speech.

"Team 2, which in charge of the recently found blue stone is conducted by Professor Diego from Spain." Professor Diego also get into the stage and raise his hand as a sign of respect to the audiences.

The speech finally continued to the main point of the assembly. "As you can see, there are lots of progresses that we have already made with the red stone. For the past 40 years of study, combine with new technology, knowledge and devices this year we one step further to find the secret of the red stone. Scientist on team 1 already know about this, but I will announce the development now to all of you. The red stone has been smashed and burn until it becomes a liquid. The liquid already been transferred to the medical team here. As you can see, the new staff that I mention at the beginning is from a top special medical research team that chosen by the ministry of health itself and the leader will be Dr. Martin Rudolf and Dr. Melanie Swift. Further, let me ask them to get into the detail."

As gentleman as he is, Dr. Martin ask Dr. Melanie to explain first. The women in a white jacket full with confident then explain the situation. "Hi, I'm Dr. Melanie. Based on what my team know so far about the red stone is that it possess some power that can revive things that almost die. Our research at this point involved a lab mouse. For couple of time now we conduct a test and the result although not so confirming but there a part where the liquid seem to done a good job in healing some tissue from a sick animal when the liquid mix with a few formula that we make. But, deeper research about this must be done in a long term. No rushing is needed to prevent…"

"Thank you for the information Dr. Melanie." Abruptly, Dr. Martin pick up the microphone in front of Dr. Melanie cutting her from finishing her talk.

"What do you mean by that? Doesn't the formula already finish?" Suddenly, the military ministers that become Byung-Hun and Alex topic of conversation earlier appear out of nowhere and throw out a very suspicious question.

Hearing the question, Dr. Melanie gives a sharp, cold look to her co-worker. Dr. Martin pretended not to be aware by it and just smile half heartily before he start talking.

"The formula is already confirmed. The result is already 90% of success. In the medical world 90% is a certain achievement. We just need to follow up the exact data and then nothing else to be worried about. From now, our team already discuss with the higher up chief that the red stone liquid is save to human. Next step that we need to do is to find some special sick person to be inject the liquid. As you all know, the stone that you all found is not much for this moment so, person that get the medicine should be thankful being able to get the expensive stuff just like that. If you know someone that need help, you can suggest them to us and further thing will be done as fast as we could." Said Dr. Martin sounded a bit arrogant.

"I hope I answer your question well Mr. Minister. Not wanting to drag this talk more as our work is important let's just dismiss our gathering. Next progress and step will be inform by your head professor. Thank you for your time."


Dr. Melanie walked quite fast into her office space followed by Dr. Martin at her back. Dr. Martin with his cynical smile already know that Dr. Melanie is in rage with him. But this time he need to win. He already blinded by the offer that the union government gave to his team and for that he will never walk away. He wanted to make sure his name is in the history and also never lost fame and money even if his co-worker doesn't agree with his decision.

"I swear, I was this close stopping myself from strangling you at the stage just now." Melanie started speaking her uneasiness in a very high volume.

"What the hell are you thinking Martin? The formula is safe? From the 100 lab mouse that we try before only one that survive and that result is just yesterday. Still, just now you dare to say that everything is fine and searching for someone to test too? Human lives are at stake here!"

"Don't be stupid Melanie. Don't you saw the doubted eyes the military minister gave you when you talk just now? Why waiting when we are done with this research? Even it just one mouse, it still a success. Anyway, we also don't have much time now because that's what the higher up wanted to."

"Even the higher up push us like crazy, we are doctor before anything else Martin. How could you being such unprofessional just by some money and praise."

"Ah, just shut up Mel. You're making my head hurt. Don't be hypocrite. You also take their offer in the first place. Military and medical sector is waiting for our magnificent work. Don't tell me you took the offer because you are so curious about the meteor stone rather than acknowledgment and money. Let me advice you as your senior, we are here to do our job. Let them take care of the rest. If something happen along the way, they will be responsible for it. Not us."

"Don't talk like that and make yourself seem lower than trash Martin. If you so careless how about you or your family volunteer to try the medicine first. It's your magnificent work anyway."

Martin felt a little provoked by Melanie speaking and started to get angry.

Looking at this Melanie said her final word before walking away. "If you can't do it, why asking other people? I will never ever agree to this and I will submit a special condition to the higher up to clear the situation whether you like it or not."

Seeing Melanie off make Martin feels so furious.

"You can do whatever that you want Mel, but I will make sure nothing will get my way. Nothing!"