::Lee Jieun house::


The house seemed to shake with a very loud scream early in the morning.

"Mr. Lee Beom Soo. Why didn't you wake me up earlier ?!" A loud questioning voice came from the bathroom upstairs.

The elderly man who was kneading bread dough in his kitchen downstairs was used to the incident and just smiled at his daughter's behavior.

"You didn't ask me for that!" He shouted back before continuing to do his work.

Half an hour later her beautiful daughter came down to the kitchen with a sullen face. Her hands were busy brushing her wet long hair.

"I'm late dad. I'm late. I'm definitely late." Who knows how many times now she said that.

"I suppose to dress up on my first day this semester dad. Now I'm way too late." She still complains.

"Look at my hair. I can't dry it properly yet. Maybe I need to cut it short next time." As always her habit to talking non-stop when in rush or nervous state began to appear.

"As if you like to dress up Jieun. And who's fault is that? You know you have class today, yet you still stay up till late night to watch a movie. " Beom-Soo state the fact.

Hearing her father's words, Jieun rolled her eyes, realizing her mistake before saying,

"Well, even though it's true, I always dress up on the first day because there's a lot of new students and who knows Professor Melanie will be able to notice me and make me one of her special students. And dad, I admit the movie is at fault but its an awesome movie and because of it now I'm totally ruin. " Jieun spoke in a quickly pace.

Beom-Soo washes his hands at the time and stopped his work to prepare his daughter's breakfast.

"Calm down now. You'll be fine. I will drive you there today, so no need to take a bus." Beom-Soo tries to calm Jieun. "You're sure it's not because you want to find your first boyfriend are you?" He added just want to tease his daughter.

Her face becomes red now when teased by her father. Given that throughout her 23 years of age, she on a 'solo mode' because obsessed with her studies.

"Dad, you totally sound like Sarah just now." Sarah is her best friend at the medical college where they go together.

"I am definitely not trying to find a boyfriend. He will come to me as fate one day. That's a true definition of a true soul mate. Now I just wanted to graduate and become the best doctor in the world! " Said Jieun while daydreaming to herself.

Because ever since childhood, Jieun was often ill due to her heart problems, she often felt jealous when she saw many of her peers were able to go to school to study and play together. Therefore, she is always determined that if one day she is healthy, she will study hard and become a successful person. So, she has never thought about having a boyfriend. At least not yet.

"Okay, you as a someone that will be a doctor, please eat your breakfast now. "

Jieun is drooling while looking at the big egg sandwich with a giant sausage in the plate that her father gave her at the time. As a person who loves to eat, that's her biggest temptation. Luckily, she never gets fat even eating lots of her favorites food.

"Dad, I'm late for breakfast. I need to go now. "

"It's fine. I told you I will drive you there did I? And actually I adjusted your alarm clock last night for 1 hour. So actually you are early. Look at that wall clock. " Her dad explaining.

"What?" Still unable to catch her father's explanation she look at the clock on the kitchen wall. Her mouth fell open in disbelief as soon as she realized what actually happen.

"You trick me dad?" She jokingly angry at her father while frowning.

"Well, at least you are not late." Beom-Soo defends himself.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jieun approached his father with both hands on her waist as if still angry before pounce on hugging him while screaming. "You're the best. I love you dad! "

"Alright, alright. Eat your breakfast now or you are really going to be late. I also need to organize our store today after sending you before customer is coming. "

"Okay dad." Jieun obeying her father's words and continue to eat breakfast with full appetite.

Beom-Soo looks at his daughter with a smile. He is really happy with their life now. Who would have thought that after 10 years of magical events that night brings it to this day. His daughter is already 23 years old and studying in a medical college with a full scholarship. He in turn reopened his own bakery next to his own house and got a lot of customers. Their lives are getting better day by day and he hoped that joy would continue forever.

Suddenly Beom-Soo's eyes look at the chain around Jieun neck. Since getting the gift from the mysterious man that night, Jieun has never been sick again even the fever.

There are also one incident that he cannot forget when one day, Jieun dropped the chain and suddenly cannot breathe properly, luckily he was there and put it back on. Then she is recovered. It turns out that this chain has its own pros and cons. Therefore, he strengthens the bond of the chain by adding silver thread and turning off the place of connection so that it does not fall and cannot be opened directly unless someone cuts it with pliers.

"Take care of that necklace Jieun." He reminded.

Jieun looks at her father while holding the chain around her neck. She understood her father's concern well. She already knew the story behind the chain because her father told her about it. She is really grateful to be given the opportunity to live.

"Of course dad. It's my lucky star anyway. " She said while smiling.


:: Korean International Medical College::

Jieun finally arrived at her college after having a breakfast. This is actually only her second years in here, even her age is 23 because she started late. But, because her geniuses she got a scholarship and become an honor student last year and surely make her father proud. This year also she aims for the same result.

"Jieun!" Sarah her best friend come closer when she walking around trying to find her college lecture hall.

"Sarah, I miss you so much." Said Jieun while hugging her only best friend here. Since she has been often ill since childhood, her social skills were actually not good making it difficult to find friends but luckily she was able to find someone who could understand her well and that was Sarah.

"Jieun, guess who's going to teach us this year?" Sarah sounded very excited.

"Who? Is that weird Professor Derek again?" Jieun said while narrowing her eyes unhappily.

Whenever she remembered the professor mentioned, her hair seemed to lift crazily. That professor really likes textbooks. During the exam if a student writes an answer that is not the same as the textbook he or she will fail. Even it just one word! Why do students need memorize all the same exact words in a textbook? Even Jieun had a hard time passing his class.

Sarah also seemed stunned when she heard the professor's name but immediately forgot about it.

"You think I will be excited like this if its Professor Derek? I barely manage to pass the exam anyway. " She said in a whisper.

"Excuse me ladies."

Both Jieun and Sarah suddenly startled hearing a voice behind them and make them stopped walking. They watch behind them to find out who it was. It turns out that 'The great Professor Derek' out of all the professors in this college is actually right behind them now and who knows since when he's there. Both of them show the professor a fake smile nervously.

"Can I walk first? You girls definitely walk like a family of snails that I just caught and put inside the aquarium in my office to be kept as pets. Come if you want to see how big they are." Professor Derek said in a flat voice.

With that Jieun and Sarah retreat and gave the Professor to walk first. "Have a nice day Professor!" Sarah said suddenly after he's gone.

"Do you think he heard us?" Sarah asks for Jieun's thought.

"We're just whisper right?" Jieun is asking back nervously.

Sarah exhaled slowly. "Ah, whatever. Luckily he is not teaching us this year. Do you guess the professor that I mentioned earlier? "

Jieun start thinking. Suddenly her eyes seemed to glow.

"Did you mean Professor Melanie is going to teach us? The great professor Melanie that open special science research department only for her chosen student? The most beautiful, excellent, intelligent Professor in here?" Jieun say all that with just one breath excitedly.

The two girls screamed in joy after that.

"Let's go now. I'm so excited. " Jieun grab Sarah hand and start running so fast to find their lecture hall.

Professor Melanie is actually one of the great professors in that college and one of Jieun role model. Jieun has been dreaming to be her student for a while now and this year her dreams seem to become true.