After Jieun asked to leave with Ayana, all the princes watched Ethan, who was still sitting silently on a chair. All the princes really wanted to know what was nestled in Ethan's mind at the time. What does he see in Jieun mind just now that even making him stiffened like that?

One of Prince Ethan's strengths is that he can read people's minds and look into their past. This ability is often used to interrogate the enemy during battle to find out the opponent's secrets or to extract important information.

Although Jieun is not a threat, but, Ethan decides to look into her mind to find out if the story being told is true. This is because he sees that the girl is too naïve for allowing herself to live in such overprotective environment resulting her not to even recognize the king and the princes of her own country. So, there must be another story behind it.

Plus, when he finds out that Jieun is the daughter of their palace physician who suddenly disappear 11 years ago making him become more interested. After all, he loves to unravel the truth and wrong facts about his royal history making this is a one of the many mysteries for him to solve. Even though no one told him to do so.

"Why are you look so shocked?" Ray asked when he was no longer willing to resist his curiosity.

"Did you see something?" Eun-Woo sound serious mixed with nervous. He also wanted to know about the girl who had been considered a mystery for so long to himself, but he also didn't want his other siblings to suspect the girl. His feeling becomes more complicated, making him also confuse with it. "Is it..." He didn't finish his words as he also didn't know how to say it.

Ethan looked at the faces of his siblings one by one. His feelings at that time were indescribable. Never in his life had he felt that way.

"Is it so shocking?" Syoaran was also not happy to sit still when he saw that his brother was still stiff.

Ethan sighed. "I can't see anything." He finally admitted.

"What?" All of them talking simultaneously.

"What do you mean?" Eun-Woo approaches Ethan. His curiosity became more and more exaggerated.

"I don't understand myself. This is the first time this has happened to me. I looked into her eyes and tried to read her mind to see her past, but all I could see was pitch black. And... I suddenly felt so lost and scared like my soul was sucked into a black hole." Ethan acknowledged his feelings that making him stiff like that all of sudden. He calms himself by taking a long breath and slowly exhaled.

"Is it power? A new one?" Eun-Woo is still asking questions.

"I don't sense any power. That's why I'm feeling so confused right now." Ethan still faithfully answered.

"But she is a good person and all. She definitely not a thread." Haru didn't want his brothers to suspect the good girl who helped them.

"We don't want to suspect her. But, she's too different from all of us to make us wonder. Plus, she's the child of physician Aera, that suddenly disappear 11 years ago. Now, the child that we never know and claim to be her daughter appear out of nowhere. I never heard father said anything about this family after she disappeared first." Ray said at length.

"Yeah, if anything, she is suppose to be one of the family that is protected by the royal, as our grandfather also adore our physician so much before that he even gifted her this part of lands. But, we doesn't know anything about this, about her family and all until now. If today we are not here, probably we never know forever. " Leo also interrupted to give his thought.

"Oh!" Ethan then remembered something and got up from his seat. He then raised his right hand and gathered his power in there before,

"Release!" He said.

"Look here." He told his other siblings to read the floating writing from a history book that began to appear in front of him. One of his strengths is also that he can copy any information such as a whole book and open it anywhere to read without him even bothering to bring it.

They all gather around Ethan to read the material.

"This is our royal history book. It has been said that our former physician does not have any power like any people in this world, making her special. She is only have knowledge in medical field, making her working with previous king as her ability is wider in the area and she is also known as a person that save many lives in the war. Including the previous king." Ethan read the sentence.

"Is that means, that Miss Jieun also inherit the same trait too?" Haru now becomes interested.

"The chances are very high. But we can't confirm it just like this." Ethan clarify while eliminate the virtual book as he already satisfied with his finding.

"Argh! My mind can't function properly either because of hunger." Haru started pulling his innocent hair.

"No need to think long. Tomorrow we can meet Granny Susan to know the truth. I'm sure she will never hide anything from us." Eun-woo provides a solution.

"I also think the same. Let's not bother by it for now." Ray also agreed.

"At least we know that she is from a good family." Syaoran said a bit relieved because he knew the girl was a good person. And it turns out that his observations are not wrong. All of his brothers also agree in silent.

Not long after that, Jieun arrived there with Ayana while pushing a large food cart. All those who were there could continue to smell the delicious food that made them start swallowing their saliva.

"Why don't you call us to the dining room?" Eun-Woo asks as he remembers Jieun saying before that she will call them there.

"It's okay. Besides, you're all must be so hungry now. You can just eat in here. There's a table and chair anyway. Oh! Did royal need to eat in the dining area only?" Jieun is asking seriously. She is afraid of any more mistake.

"It's fine Miss Jieun. We can even eat on the floor. Not that really matter." Haru hurriedly helped Ayana to serve the large amount of food. The faster, the better, so he can enjoy the meal he has been waiting for.

"Why there so many?" Leo that help was also surprised to see the amount of food served.

Jieun scratching her non-itchy head while saying shyly, "I actually didn't know what you all like to eat, and also I rarely cook a little. I only know to cook in large batches. Don't worry if you can't finish it all. I can store it for later. "

They looked at the dishes one by one. Hot rice, hot tofu soup with bean sprout, stir fried bulgogi, spicy stir fried squid, popcorn chicken, potato pancake, beef pancake, and variety of kimchi. Perfect for raining day. Also have some fruits and cake in the side for dessert.

"Thank you for the food." Haru can't wait any longer. He continued to sit down and started eating followed by his other brothers.

"You don't want to eat?" Eun-Woo asks slowly but can still be heard by his other siblings. Really, that Eun-Woo suddenly care about the girl. They just keep staring anyway without words.

"Ah, no! I already have dinner before you all coming in. Now, I will go and let you all to eat in peace. Find me if you need anything. I will be available in the library." Jieun said with smiling. No more war for now between them.

"You can just sleep. It's already late. We will leave this in the kitchen later. I know this place well. " Eun-Woo said. He knows the girl must be tired already.

"Oh... Umm... In that case, I excuse myself now. Have a good night." Jieun accept the suggestion well. She was also already drowsy from exhaustion.

"Thank you for this delicious meal!" Haru said when he saw Jieun and Ayana started to slowly leave. With his mouth full of food made his other brothers only able to shake their heads with his lameness which is not like a prince at all.