That night, Ayana went to the back of the mansion to make sure the back gate was locked before she patrolled around. She need to make sure the other doors were locked at the same before wanting to go in and ready to sleep.

It wasn't one of her work routines, but the person who was supposed to do so asked for her help that night because he wasn't feeling well. She is fine with that actually. Its not difficult task to do.

"Not afraid to walk alone at night like this?" A voice asked her then.

Ayana watches the man with a smile. She is not shocked at all as the voice talk to her in a very nice, sweet tone. Not like his energetic usual. And it's not because of his illness. It's always like that. The tone that out only when they both are alone.

"And what about you? You're not supposed to be around here and there even with that wheelchair." Ayana said while walking slowly, approaching the man.

Prince Haru smiles. He then uses his wheelchair and moving back and forth even circling with it. Playing in front of the girl.

Arriving near the man, Ayana grabbed the wheelchair handle and stopped the man's ignorant action.

"Are you forget that you're still sick?" She scolded him a little. Not that he is afraid by that anyway.

Haru just smiles while showing his front teeth. Giving up on his playing mode.

They just realize something, then, even they are not meeting after so many years, it turns out there is absolutely no awkward feeling between them. And they like that.

"So, why are you patrolling alone? Where is the uncle who always does that?" Haru still asking the question that Ayana not answering before.

"Mmm... He's not well tonight so I took in charge. It's not difficult and also it's not dark with a lot of lights here all around the mansion." She explaining.

"Can I follow you? Just... for a while. Accompanying you until you finish your patrolling it is." Haru asks shyly.

Ayana thinks a little. Looking at the man who is still sick making she wanted to ask him to leave, but this kind of opportunity for them to have a conversation does not always appear. She looks around. There are paths that can be travelled with a wheelchair anyway. So, why not? Only today. She said in her heart.

"Okay then. Let me push you from behind. I don't want you to play around again."

"Well, I'm fine with it as long as you allow me to stay around. Thank you very much then." Haru is thankful.

Finally, they can walk side by side for a while. Even its not really the ideal way that he wanted as the girl is pushing his wheelchair at the back. But, still.

They keep silent for a while before started talking again. And of course, Haru is the one who started it.

"How are you all these years?"

"I'm the same me." Ayana answered a little too ordinary answer as her life is just the same over and over again. Not sure what she supposed to reply.

Haru laughs a little. "I mean, are you living happily around here? No one giving you a hard time?"

"Uh uh. Everything is fine. Being with Lady Jieun is fun. I can't ask for more. How about you? It's really a long time since you last coming here." Haru nodded.

"It's sure really long time now. Time flies and you are not that short anymore." He said. Remembering that he was always teasing her when they were little as she is too short.

"Hey, luckily I stop growing or you will be the shorter one now." Said Ayana when she realizes at the first day when Haru is standing. He, just like 1cm taller than her. Not that very much different.

"You're right or you'll be teasing me for being the short one now."

"But you're short. The other princes are much taller than you." Ayana speaks the truth.

"Hey!" Haru sulks playfully. He is not really offended anyway.

"Just kidding. Don't take it to heart." Ayana takes it back after she saw Haru's face. His mouth began to come forward.

They are silent again, before this time Ayana decided to be the one who break the silence.

"I come to the castle to see your performances before." She told the man.

Haru widened his eyes. Surprised by the fact. He didn't even know about it. He didn't see the girl that day.

"Really? How come I didn't see you?" He said a little sorry.

Ayana's face slightly wrinkled as she finds it weird listening to the question.

"How can you see me with so many people? That's thousands of them." State the fact. When the prince is performing, even cannot get the front look, she will come, but last time she is a bit lucky that she can stand a bit closer than usual. Even can see Haru clearly.

But Haru seems to be very disappointed in himself.

"I should notice you right away."

"I come with Lady Jieun but she disappears suddenly makes me have to look for her." Regardless of how the man feels now, Ayana tells him what happened that day.

"Did you see my performance back then?" Haru didn't ask the new story for detail. He just wants to know about Ayana. If she watches him perform. Only that interest him.

"As you perform first, I am able to watch it till the finish, but the rest of the performance I can't."

Haru now all smiling. Satisfied. All his bad feeling before just dissapear. For him it's all fine now. As long as she watches him that alone is enough.

Haru wanted to ask more questions, but suddenly Ayana stopped her track. Watching in front of her. She is smiling.

"Guess, I leave you with Prince Ethan than. My patrolling is now done anyway." Ayana said softly to Haru.

Only then did Haru realize that they were already in the front area of the mansion. He looked at his brother who was standing there also looking at them.

Not waiting for Haru to answer. Ayana bowed her head a little towards Prince Ethan, respecting his presence there, then quickly she walked away from them and went straight into the main mansion.

As soon as the girl disappeared from view, Haru began to speak,

"We're just talking." He said.

Ethan comes closer to him. He didn't see Haru inside the room for a long time and started to leave the room to look for him. It turned out that his guess was correct when he saw Haru was outside. With that girl...

"I didn't say anything." Ethan said casually.

"Your face says it all. No need for you to turn it into words."

Ethan sighs hearing that. "I'm not here to tell you off or something. Back then, I just afraid that..."

"I'm going to be hurt?"

Not waiting for Ethan to finish, Haru already beat him by that. Not that he didn't know, if he and Ayana had a special relationship surely the relationship wasn't approved by his father, the King of Dream Land. But other than that there are more reasons why they cannot be together. Only the princes know about that, but never say it out loud.

"Don't worry. You should just worry about yourself first. If I were you I will be good to her while I still can." Haru is advising though he is way younger than Ethan. Ethan is the third prince after all while he is the sixth.

Ethan just keeps his silence. His memory drifted to someone who was always loyal, waiting for him at the palace. Yes. He is already married. But his married life is not like what others see at the outside or thought of. There are boundary that he needs to keep. Or that he force himself to keep.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour in the past." He said it expects understanding.

Haru smiled bitterly, but he really understood his brother. Surely he did not hold a grudge even though his heart had hurt at one point.

"I'm good Ethan. I'm happy with the situation now. I just wanted to enjoy my life even if it means I just can see her only from a far. We're being friends and being in a good term. For me this is enough. This is my simple happiness. Believe it or not."

Ethan just nodded, understanding. Then he pushed Haru wheelchair slowly to enter the guest residence building. While he is doing that he can hear Haru faint voice that said to him,

"I hope you're choosing to be happy too."

Deep inside his heart is screaming. He knows that, but he just too afraid. Without him realizing it wasn't just himself, his heart that was hurt. But even his wife, Princess Mia. But, can he change what he believes all this time? Can he change the rules that he set for himself?

Silently, he doubted himself.