In the room all the princes gathered to discuss their strategy against the Komodo Dragon. It's not easy, even they were six that day. Now only the five of them can fight when Haru still has not recovered from his injuries.

"Are you sure the beast got the green stone?" Ray asking Syaoran repeatedly. He didn't seem to believe it. Sounds like a dream. Even though he sees for himself how their enemy in that day is not a common enemy that can be seen every day. Because all this time they searched for the stone here and there, but never found it. Now suddenly it just shows up.

"I won't lie about that Ray." Syaoran still answering.

"Do you see where the stone is located? Inside or outside the beast?" Ethan turned to ask.

"I didn't see it. Because everything was too fast that day. I was just thinking about Haru safety." Syaoran tries to remember but failed to find any memory of it.

"It's okay Syaoran. This time, we need to think of a strategy that won't put our lives in danger. From what I see we can't face the beast head on. We need to plan something smart."

Eun-Woo said with a cold face. Recalling the events of that day he became furious. Haru shouldn't have been in that kind of situation. Not under his watching. That day, he should have acted faster. If he wants to blame to someone about what happened, he would only blame himself for that negligence.

"Hey, hey... Don't be so serious guys. I'm fine now you see." Haru that also joins the meeting try to ease the sudden turn-serious-surroundings. He knows very well what all of his brothers were feeling and thinking at the time.

"You should be better than that Haru. Luckily Miss Jieun can save you." Leo interrupted while looking at Haru who was still cheerful.

He still cannot forget Haru's dangerous condition that day. How restless they are while running as fast as they can, finding their horses, then got through the heavy storm before reaching Hilleo Village.

"I know, but do not blame yourself. I'm the one who not fast enough. Probably it's been a while since we going to the battle. I'm sure if I go this time I will be able to beat the Komodo Dragon to a pulp." Haru said a bit too eunthantistic. His eyes even looking all fixed on that mindless thought.

"Enough of that impossible talk. You will only stay here. Don't ever think to come along while your body even can't stand still. Trembling all over." Ethan scolded him a little.

Haru face turned a bit sour after hearing that. He actually begs them to bring him along. He can stand now, but look like he will never make it. Ethan was right though His body is still weak even him feel fine. He can't be the one who bringing down the team anyway. Their plan is being dragged on now because of him anyway. So he will surrender his desire and become obedient.

"But I guess that day we just aren't really ready. We are ambushed from all over the place after all." Haru said his opinion. He cannot accept the defeat at all.

"Haru is right. We never thought our enemies were too many. This time we also don't know how many of them really." Syaoran agrees.

All of them are silent. Thinking of the best way for them to fight.

"Forget the other first. Right now, the one that has the stone is the Komodo Dragon. If we can control it or make it not moving for a while or something. The other should be no problem. I can perform rejuvenate after we arrive the stone. "

"I think the same as Eun-Woo but we need to know if other beast is controlled by the main carrier or unconsciously, become aggressive because exposed of the rock powder only. Can't you rejuvenate them all before we apprehend the main carrier?" Ray is the one asking.

"I could try, but its meaningless if there are too much of them as rejuvenate requires high strength. I'm afraid that I cannot perform it many times. Our focus must be the main carrier. If other beasts are not being controlled by the main carrier they suppose not to be so aggressive like the bird I encounter before. The bird just mad because of something, that why it attack. But its character remains the same like a normal bird but with added power. The fire ant and spider before this, attack us like in synchronic. Like a team. I'm pretty sure its being control." Eun-woo said at length.

"What about you Leo?" Ethan looks at the second prince that keep his silence.

"I must say I agree we need to focus on the Komodo Dragon. As we cannot waste our energy to much by fighting other beast. But, we cannot deny that the other beast is also strong. How about we set a trap or something? Keep the main carrier away from its minions first. We can observe their movements first before attacking. This time we need to ambush them first. "

"A trap is a must. You're right, we cannot waste our energy on other things unless it's our main focus." Ethan agrees.

"I can hold on the other beast with my power for a while." Syaoran said.

"I think Syaoran should be facing the Komodo Dragon as he the only one can detect the stone and retrieve it." Haru said after just heard the conversation earlier.

"Haru is right Syaoran. You have to do the main job. Don't worry about the other beast. We can hold them on." Leo said it confidently.

"Now, let's move on. Let's see some information about the beast. After all, it's still an animal. We need to find its weakness. Maybe this will give us a little idea on how to fight it."

Ethan displays the information using his power. He already gathers all that he thinks important in front of them.

"Looking at the beast, it's hard not to carry this mission without hurting them right?" Syaoran asks while his eye focusing on the information in front. He hasn't yet stopped feeling guilty about killing the giant spider before. Believe it or not, at that time his face portrays no feeling when killing it. But now regretting that action.

The other is just keeping silent. Yes. They actually didn't want to kill in this mission. But this mission is too dangerous enough for them. Their own survival is the utmost concern now.

"Look at the claw, how can it be so sharp?" Haru throws the question out of nowhere. Like he always did. Trying hard to distract.

"There." Ethan showed something.

"Its forked tongue is its weakness. As it can feel and locate its prey using that only. If we can make it numb or something he will be losing its sense. Probably can buy us enough time to locate the stone."

"But how can you get close enough to it without being bitten?" Haru remembered the tooth that was hurting him before.

Once again, they are deadlocked. Their face grim for a while.

"Do you guys think some poison can work?" Ethan asked their opinion after some thinking.

Haru gasps a little. Remembering something.

"How about some anesthetic like Miss Jieun use on me before? I can't even feel anything at all during surgery. Even after that I still feel numb."

"That could work right?" Leo also thinks the same.

"If it can work, Leo can throw some knife or something inside the beast's mouth to penetrate the tongue. Its quite impossible to inject the Komodo Dragon with that, after all the skin is like an iron with this appearance. The best if that thing working in its entire body." Eun-Woo suggest. Because among them all, Leo is the most accurate at throwing. Almost all of his throws are 100 percent accurate according to his record over the years. Also, he found the strategy quite impressive, because that way, they will not wasting their power much.

"Let's ask Miss Jieun after this." Ethan that agreeing in silent conclude that.

"Now, I think we need to move into two teams. One, focusing on other beast. Second, the main character itself." Ethan continued the meeting.

Ray, imagining the situation he might face, then giving his views, "First team, me and Ethan will do. Second team, Syaoran, Eun-Woo and Leo will be carrying out the mission. Any objection?"

Silent. Marking all who were there agreed with the opinion of the first prince.

"First, there are information that said its can be tempted by blood. We can use that fact to make the Komodo Dragon part with the other beast first as far as we can. Then, the second team can hold the other beast in one place. If second team can control them easily, you guys can come to aid the first team. The first team, try to resist Komodo Dragon movement, attack its tongue, if succeed, find the stone. If not, try to use power to stop the beast movement. Got that?" Ethan looked at their faces one by one. Make sure everyone understands.

"Got that!" All of them, including Haru, said it loud.

"Answering your question just before Syoaran, we will try to not kill, but if it dangers our life we had to do it." Eun-Woo said it after.

Syaoran smiles while nodding his head.

"Now, let's get ready. Remember. Safety first." Eun-Woo reminds them once again.