Jieun get out from the hall with various questions playing in her mind. She also wonders why the King wants to talk to Granny Susan without her in there?

No matter how she felt at that time, she still had time to take food at the buffet because she still felt hungry. It is all because she could not eat calmly before. Always beware of the King and the Queen who is sitting in front.

After she filled two large plates with food, including dessert, her feet now led her into the orchard that was near the mansion. Her favorite place. The garden is quite private, maybe that's why she likes to be there. Because of the quiet atmosphere that allows her to think.

When she got there, once again Jieun sighing a bit long. Although she was excited to eat, but her mind still remembered about Granny Susan who was alone. Hope nothing bad happens to her, Jieun praying in silence.

"Why do you always look like that whenever I saw you?"

What a surprise for Jieun when hearing the sudden voice. She thought she's alone, there like always. Luckily the plate that full of her food didn't fall off. She then kept looking in the direction where the owner of the voice was.

"What? How do you get here? Are you coming here with the King and the Queen just now? How can I didn't see you before?" Jieun suddenly bombard the man who is now lying in the grass there with a lot of questions.

The fourth prince, Prince Eun-Woo smirking, flashing his handsome face while looking at the girl who seem to shock after seeing him just now. He didn't know that his sudden presence can make the girl reaction turn like that.

"I come a bit late. The King wanted me to be here." He said just that. But his face seems to hold some more meaning to that verse.

Not knowing what possessed her at the time, Jieun come close, to the man who was still lying there. She seems to not bother to be in the same space with the man anymore. It's comfortable. And she also doesn't have answers to that new feeling. But, what she didn't know is that, the man also feeling the same.

"Do you already eat?" Jieun ask. But, she put the plate that full with the food on the ground now. Between them. Wanting to share. Luckily she brought enough utensils. She actually prepares, as she always clumsy, in case the one that she uses get dirty or something.

When she comes closer. Eun-Woo gets up and change into sit down position . He saw that the girl makes herself at home and sat close to him. Not that he bother with that.

At the close up, Eun-Woo just noticed that the girl's face seemed lifeless and a little pale at that time.

"Are you sick or what? Why do you look like you just meeting with the ghost?" Eun-Woo asks out of concern but sound a little bit harsh.

Jieun gazes the man sharply after hearing him out, but then, she still answers the man's question.

"It's scarier than ghosts. It's the King of this Dream Land!" She said a bit too freely.

"Oops! You won't report me to your father right?" Jieun cup her mouth, only to realize that the man beside her is the son of the King. She is now, began to feel worried because of her word.

Eun-woo just laugh looking at Jieun seriously concern face.

"So, what that the King of this Dream Land did until it make you sighing for long just now?" Eun-Woo is actually curious about that.

"I'm just using my power to him just a couple of minutes before." Jieun tell him honestly what happen. She is not shy to share the story with the man and she also didn't know why.

"So?" Eun-Woo asks for detail. He didn't seem surprised by the matter. Perhaps he could already guess that his father would ask Jieun to show her power.

"What makes me surprised is that, he's just smashing his drink cup with his bare hand until the broken glass is preaching to his skin. I'm so stunned by that. Its must be hurt right? Even if, he actually done that just to see what I, capable to do with my power. Then, after that he just ask me to heal him while bleeding so much. I really can't read him at all. Here I am, still trembling all over. "

Eun-Woo still has the same bore look expression. Seem like he knows his father too well.

"How about me? Can you read me?" Eun-Woo asks the question out of nowhere making Jieun stiffened . It was as if he didn't want to talk about his father anymore.

Their views are clashing with each other now. A bit embarrassed, Jieun quickly shifted her gaze in the other direction, stopping her from continuing to look at the man.

"Well, sometimes I thought that I can, but sometimes I can't. Both of you are mysterious to me." Jieun said while her hands playing with the grass there.

"We're different. Don't categories us in the same way." Eun-Woo sound cold now. Making Jieun have a feel that his relationship with the King is not that easy. Not as just father and son normal relationship.

"That's not what I mean. It's just both of you just mysterious to me as I do not know you two yet. But clearly to me that you're more approachable than the King."

"Then you should try harder. To know me better." This is the second time this man makes Jieun stiff in her seat.

Why this man? He seems so different now. Unlike before when they meet or Jieun must say 'a sudden encounter'. If she recall, this is probably the first time they met in a proper condition.

Jieun watch the man beside her, intently. This time, the man seem wanted to make a proper conversation with her, not bickering as always. He seems like trying to know her better. Or, is this just her mindless feelings? She wondering in her mind.

"So, did you use your power well?" Eun-woo asked again. After seeing that the girl was glued to silence there.

Jieun nodded.

"It's a relief that it went smoothly, but he didn't say anything afterwards. Make me wonder, what's in his mind? Then, I'm here trying to solve things, while I didn't have any clues at all." Jieun then finally eats something after saying that.

She also offers the food to the man, and Eun-Woo, who accept, now eating. From the same plate.

"You just think too much with that little brain of yours." Eun-Woo continues. Teasing the girl a little.


Eun-woo remarks make Jieun feel mad a little. How dare he say that? She just born that way. Always in curiosity. But its not that bad. Isn't that? Like knowing what's inside her mind, Eun-Woo said,

"Don't you know? Curiosity can kill a cat."

"I'm not that bad. I know when to stop." Jieun defend herself. Refusing to acknowledge that.

"It's not what I saw that is." Eun-woo says his observation.

"Sometimes you should just let it all go without having to question anything. Because sometimes the answer is clearly plastered, only ourselves who are not aware or not yet aware."

"Why are you telling me this?" Jieun not understand.

"I'm just concerned." This time Eun-Woo also seems shocked hearing his chosen words. He didn't dare to look at Jieun afterwards.

He, somehow clearing his throat before changing the flow of the conversation. Again.

"Ahem! So, that's why you're looking tired and all. Did you increase your stamina by exercising? You can't last long if you are in this kind of state every time you use your power." Eun-Woo now back to their first talk.

Again and again, the man is nagging about that. Jieun already had enough of that.

"Oh... not again. You are worse than my gym coach." Jieun said it out loud.

Then, realizing something. She bit her lip, looked at the man. Who is now also looking at her. There's no 'gym' terms in the Dream Land. If time could spin back, Jieun hoped very much she didn't say the word. Now, there is only one hope. Hopefully the guy didn't hear it clearly. But if he did, he probably don't know what she talking about right? But, what the man said next, completely took her guard off.

"You're not from here. Not from this world. Is that right?"

Her tongue feeling numb. Her mistake will probably bring her to her own death. Even her feel comfortable with the man, also, even if the man saves her so many times, she supposes to not make that kind of mistake. As he still a part of a royal family that probably link to her mother's death.

"Jieun?" Eun-Woo called her name.

"Huh?" She can only said that.

But the man face doesn't seem threatening or bother by the fact. He looks calm. The tone of his voice was the same.

"You said you trust me. Even when I don't trust you."

All of a sudden the man raises the matter. But, the atmosphere, then and now is different. Is she able to trust the man? But, without her doubts more inside her heart, Jieun admit,

"I do trust you." In her soft voice.

"So, won't you tell me?" He said in the same tone. Like comforting her in silence.

"Can..." Jieun tried to find the right sentence to say.

"Can I tell you later. When the time was right. When I am ready?" She asks him a favor.

"Suit yourself. I will be waiting."

Jieun trying to find the disappointment in the man's face, but she doesn't see that. He seemed to genuinely understand. Which making Jieun guess that the man probably know something about her real world and this world.

"Well ..." Jieun now get up and start shaking her dress. She actually forgot that the dress she was wearing was white. Luckily the grass there is dry or her new dress is definitely in much dirt now.

"I excuse myself first. I need to see if everything is okay in the mansion. You can come too if you want."

"I stay here for a while." Eun-Woo refuses . He actually didn't want to meet the King.

"Well, finish the food then. There's more inside. I get going first."

Just a few steps away, Eun-Woo calls her.


Jieun turned her face towards the man.

He then looked a bit shy before asking,

"Did the King deliver the important news yet?" Eun-Woo asks while scratching his non-itchy head.

Jieun tilts her head a little, do not understand what he means by that.

"What news?"