Today is an exciting day for Jieun as all the princes together with Princess Mia will do activities together with her.  Of course, her fiancée, Prince Eun-Woo is tagging along.  While, Ayana, who accompanying her, just watched from the edge.

          They will teach Jieun a basic skill for archery, hunting, and what is needed if they got to travel. As the King before informs them that Jieun power is essential, and does not rule out the possibility if he wants the girl to follow them in the adventure after this. Of course, everything about that is after the marriage is taken place. 

          Eun-Woo didn't like the fact that the King wanted Jieun on the field, but one part of him is also glad, because he knows Jieun will be much safer with them, with him, rather than stay in the castle. Especially when there's a witch who seems to be looking for opportunities and space to approach Jieun.