That morning, both Eun-Woo and Jieun, after cleaning themselves and packing what was appropriate, they started moving to return to the palace even though the day was still early in the morning because they did not want the palace officials to find them if they were found missing. 

          Also, they didn't want to face the King nagging.  They are not yet know about the King even didn't come to see the theater that he investing himself because he was drunk.

          They were lucky because the weather was good at that time which allowed them to walk with ease.

          As soon as they reached the suspension bridge area, they saw the damage that took place there. Yesterday the bridge only collapsed in half, but today it was all cut off into the river.  Probably because the wind was so strong last night coupled with heavy rain.  Jieun definitely being lucky survive that.

          She started take a sigh of relief there.