Ethan at the time didn't care about his surroundings, nor his own twin stone. He quickly ran to Mia's side as soon as Jieun laid the girl down on the snowy ground. His mind only being occupied by her. Only her! 

          As soon as he was by the girl's side, he continued to kneel down on the snowy ground and lifted the girl's weak body so that it lay on his thighs. He held her tightly then, as if not wanting to let go.

          Mia, who had closed her eyes before, opened her eyes again then. She feels a bit relieved seeing the man that she loves with all of her heart is there. Right beside her.

          She is now looking at Ethan's face that show her full of various feelings there. His face looks so broken, just like what she saw in the vision that Freya showed her. She knows, the time finally comes.

          "Ethan..." Mia tried to talk, but was a little out of breath there. Her body really feels tired at the moment.