Despite being tired, all of them are waking up a bit early that day.  After having a simple breakfast, they now move in their respective groups which they discussed yesterday. 

          Ray and Syaoran were the first group to move away because the area they had to monitor was the furthest and they might also have to climb a nearby mountain if necessary. After bringing all the equipment, they went straight out of the house, even though the sun was not yet appear.

          Meanwhile, Ethan and Mia move into town to find groceries to store before the group led by Eun-Woo moves away from their mission.  So that, they are not leaving Jieun alone there even if she already that she is fine with it.

          The first thing Jieun did after waking up was to see her patient.  The woman looks a bit better than yesterday, that's for sure.  Her face also looked as if the blood was already flowing there well.