After Jieun treated Mia's wounds, the princess woke up not long after she fainted. She could see that she was in the living room of Jieun's residence at the time. Her  head did not feel any hurt at all and her clothes had also been changed to Jieun's clothes.

          "Finally, you are awake." Jieun who had been watching Mia from earlier started making a noise after seeing the movement from her.

          "Here Princess Mia. Drink this." Ayana also comes near them as she heard Jieun began to talk and serve the princess a tea. A different one than what Jieun just drink.

          "Thank you. I'm sorry if I intrude or something. I just need to escape for a while." Mia said with her face and eyes glazed over. She began to remember what had happened before.