"What happens in your journey in the world there?"

Melanie asking Jieun there in her secret lab without telling her about Lia of course, as she didn't want Jieun worries increased.

Today, Melanie decides to check Jieun's overall health without the necklace. After the incident with Martin before, they realize that Jieun wound disappear quickly after she holding back the necklace, but the wound appear again if she releases it.

Melanie knows its not completely a good sign. A wound, small or large, needs to be treated properly as it may be life threatening if Jieun loses the necklace or should they said bracelet now as Jieun wear in in her wrist since that day.

Jieun, look at her professor there with a dissatisfied look on her face while the professor is trying to see her blood pressure.