"What are you doing here?" Lia said in a whisper and hurriedly grabbed Ray by the hand, went into the room. This man is becoming too bold now and always come to her room almost every single day whereas they can just meet outside.

  Also nowadays, she didn't even remember not seeing him in one day. As if they are always together now. But, it's not like she is annoying about that, it's just she can't believe they are moving too fast now. Or should, she said, he moves too fast.

  "Seeing you of course." Ray with a seemingly innocent face went straight into the room and sat down on a chair. Although not invited, made Lia is hanging her mouth there for a while.

  "You know that is not what I meant here. We can meet outside, at your workshop even. Why on earth do you always come here in my room?" Lia clenched her waist now with her hand. Pretend to be firm.

  "I just can't wait that long to see you. Is it wrong?" Ray was just being honest there.